Troupers and lovers in other polyamorous relationships feel like they’re missing out this Valentine’s Day, with romantic meals and sexy gifts still aimed at two people in exclusive partnerships. Almost one in five Generation Z and millennials believe monogamy is outdated, with two in five either having been in a committed polyamorous relationship already (22%) or considering it as an alternative to monogamy (17%).
The main reasons for seeing eternal relationships between two people as outdated are that they are too restrictive (48%) and simply unrealistic (42%). In a 19-crime study of almost 2,000 18-42-year-old British adults, 40% said they know someone who has been in a Throuple relationship – and of these, 78% said the person was someone in their friendship group.
But 35% of those surveyed on behalf of the leading wine brand believed their own family and friends would not accept they were in a polyamorous relationship.
The brand has never been afraid to push barriers and the ‘Throuple’ prototype is a 1,125ml bottle, specifically designed to sit between a standard wine bottle (750ml) and a magnum (1.5 litres), allowing up to three 125 ml glasses per person for romantic Valentine’s celebrations that Throuples enjoy.
While the unique bottles won’t be available on store shelves this Valentine’s Day, due to the size not being legislated yet, 19 Crimes hopes it will be in the future. It will certainly spark a much-needed debate about the importance of inclusion. 19 Crimes has also relabeled its existing Valentine’s Day wine range to a limited edition Valentine’s Day to celebrate love in all its many and varied forms – available now in leading supermarkets.
Jacob Lucas, Dating Coach said, “Valentine’s Day is a day filled with images and stereotypes that reinforce the idea that monogamy is the only acceptable form of love. Many of my clients are in Throuple relationships or open to one, but the topic of polyamory is still taboo.”
Russell Kirkham of Treasury Premium Brands added: “Have a traditional relationship or not this Valentine’s Day. We know that a growing number of our audience are breaking convention and challenging the status quo by choosing to be in a polyamorous relationship this Valentine’s Day. ”
Visit to find out more about the 19 Crimes Valentine’s Day campaign and ‘The Throuple’ prototype. Always remember to drink responsibly.