Hazbin Hotel is a musical animated series, and the original tunes featured in the series are quickly becoming hits in their own right. This week, music from the program–either songs or albums spun off from the title–appear on no fewer than 10 different Billboard charts. That’s impressive for a brand new show, and the fact that there are several entrants from Hazbin Hotel on more than one list is another sign of just how huge this new launch has become in a short span of time.
Beginning with albums, Hazbin Hotel nearly landed a top 10 win on the Billboard 200 this week. On the ranking of the most-consumed albums in the U.S., the season one soundtrack launches at No. 13. According to Luminate, the title moved a little more than 35,600 equivalent units.
That hefty sum is made up largely of streams, as the same soundtrack also lands on Billboard’s Top Streaming Albums chart. On that list, Hazbin Hotel season one opens at No. 13–coincidentally in the same spot. Tellingly, the title doesn’t manage to sell well enough to place on the Top Album Sales chart.
Then there are the Hazbin Hotel songs. Three tracks–“Poison,” “Respectless,” and “More Than Anything”–have been chosen by fans as their favorites, and they appear on a number of Billboard charts. Depending on the ranking, sometimes all three find space, while in other instances, it’s just one or two. The tracks are credited to a mix of both the actors and composers behind the tunes, with names like Blake Roman, Sam Haft, Andrew Underberg, Daphne Rubin-Vega, James Monroe Iglehart, and Lilli Cooper all appearing on the rankings.
This week, songs from Hazbin Hotel appear on at least eight different charts. The tunes find space on all of the following rankings: Hot Rock & Alternative Songs, Hot Rock Songs, Rock Streaming Songs, Rock Digital Song Sales, Hot Alternative Songs, Alternative Streaming Songs, Alternative Digital Song Sales, and the Bubbling Under Hot 100.
This is an impressive performance on the Billboard charts for a program that is so new. Hazbin Hotel premiered on Amazon in mid-January. The music from the series started making its appearances on various lists shortly after fans could view the program, and things have only been looking up ever since.