Customs Will, as usual, will return to a new game in 2025, but the details of its developer, publication and game are more complicated than ever.
At this moment you have enjoyed the backrest Modern warfare Games from Infinity Ward, Customs Players are in the middle of Treyarch Black Ops 6new content in the campaign, multiplayer, zombies and War zone Battle Royale.
All we know about Call of Duty 2025
Call of Duty 2025 is reportedly a black ops 2 publication
While Call of Duty 2025 is still officially unannounced of Activision, the Insider Playing Report revealed that the game is a “Straight sequel” -with Black ops 2 It will be set in the near future.
The 2025 game is reported to see “Return of some fans of some fans” and debut “A new villain after the death of Menendez.”
Description of some Call of Duty 2025The game mechanics of the target group meeting also surface in October and provided more information. Insider Gaming’s Tom Henderson has confirmed these leaks with X, which gave them credibility because of his strong experience Customs realization.
Like @fumoleaks shared with X, the game will continue story in 2035 as Black ops 2David Mason returns as the main character in a Customs The story focused “Spy and international warfare.”
Although the exact title of the game was not revealed under leaks, Black ops 7 may be the most likely name unless the action of the action is added to the subtitle (Ala Black ops of the cold war) deviating further away this year Black Ops 6.
Players who have been doing Black Ops 6 Will deals with a big turn at the end of the campaign, but when the 2025 continuation jumps over decades from 90s settings, it is likely to be largely removed.
When will the call of duty 2025 be released?
In recent years, every Customs The release date has fluctuated from the last Friday of October to the first two Friday.
- Modern warfare – October 25
- Black ops of the cold war – November 13
- Forefront – November 5
- Modern warfare 2 – October 28
- Modern warfare 3 – 10 November
- Black Ops 6 – October 25
As a whole, there seems to be no model, this narrows probable release days Call of Duty 2025 31 October, 7 November or November 14.
Publication on November 14 would be the most recent of all time a Customs The game, while October 31, falls to Halloween, which may be a risk of focusing on starting the FPS. As such, Call of Duty 2025 will probably be released on Friday 7 November.
Activision strives to start annual marketing Customs Release in the summer, which means that the first official details should come from June to August.
The next call of duty developer is still unclear
Through all details that have leaked online Call of Duty 2025One thing that still lacks a concrete answer is who develops the FPS experience.
Well, because it’s a Black ops The game, one, of course, would turn to Treyarch, which has handled all previous entries in Franchise. But because they are interested in last year Black Ops 6It can be difficult to imagine.
Two Black ops Games that publish their backrest for games CustomsAs 2022 and 2023 did the same at the same time Modern warfare Games. In this situation development Modern warfare 2 Infinity Ward took care of the sled -speaker games took the lead Modern warfare 3.
But the reputable leak was shared by Hope of Hope of X’s shared rumor, which instead works for their game for 2027 Modern warfare 4 In 2026.
As this seemingly takes three conventional development studios from controversy, often supportive developers High Moon Studios, Raven Software and Bennox are the most important competitors leading to charging, probably through Treyarch.
Zombies may return to Call of Duty 2025

Just like with everyone else Black ops game, Customs According to Insider Gaming report, 2025 has a round zombie survey.
The socket pointed out the plans to publish a six zombie map for the next Customs Game, presumably two at start and four DLC content. One maps are said to be inspiring Black ops 2 Start the Experience “Transit”, which has a unique travel system to navigate together with the biggest zombie maps of all time.
It Black Ops 6 The story has been reported to continue “The new enemy character who wants to absorb the original four -character” dark essential nature “and bring the old multavivers back.”
Inside, gambling stated through early play sources that Richtofen, Takeo, Nikolai and Dempsey’s original zombie team were expected to return.
More information about the previously discussed focus group leak (@fumoleaks) pointed out that zombies are eight players that may be similar to Black ops 2The sadness in which two teams try to cross each other in a round game.
The game is also rumored to contain a classic space where players spawn with a pistol, a handicraft armor and acquires new weapons of Wall Buys and mystery boxes that are similar to previous Zombies game facilities.
It is important to note that the play model often contains details from the final release to reactions, adapt to feedback, and sometimes find the origin of online leaks.
Multiplayer information has already leaked to Call of Duty 2025
The same leak discussed above pointed out Black Ops 6The emnimovement feature returns, allowing players to move smoothly in any direction. The mechanic is said to return “Increased fluency … and animations” When a new wall jump gives players “Jump from the surfaces with new ways to commit.”
Fans can expect to see Black ops 2 Maps that have been returned to the current engine are launched with a mix of new and restorative multiplayer game.
Call of Duty 2025 seems to be a new focus on teamwork because there are ways there “Buff near teammates and their devices”, ” Although networked benefits allow players to share the applied hobbyist.
Other significant details include the return of human shields, basketball -esque uplink mode and familiar faces and setting up experiences that allow players to compete CustomsThe smallest maps.
Nintendo Switch is possible for Call of Duty 2025
Fans can wait to play Call of Duty 2025 On the familiar platforms of PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC, presumably with PS4 and Xbox One, since the last generation of consoles have not yet been signs.
But the fps giant may be preparing to add a new platform because Microsoft (owning a publisher’s Activision) drafted an agreement with Nintendo in 2023 to bring Customs their console “On the same day as Xbox, with complete feature and content pair.”
When Nintendo is prepared to release Switch 2 with performance comparable to PS4 and Xbox One (which still use modern Customs Titles), this year’s franchise entry could be launched.
Add fuel to the fire, Customs Listed among eight reinforced and 15 rumored games that come to Switch 2.