If 2023 was the year when it went all quiet on the fashion front, Lil Nas X did the opposite. There was bantu knots and turbo rococo at the Thom Browne show. There was the gilded sea nymph at the Met Gala. There was a Glastonbury set that was proudly queer and electric and introduced by a supersized pony. And now, there’s a curated line for Coach. And yes, it is a lot (in the best possible way).
Christened ‘The Lil Nas X Drop’, this special capsule includes mainline Coach pieces that’ve been hand-selected and customised by King Montero. So, you can expect all the usual Coach touchpoints – the bags, the shearling, the pretty solid jackets – with a fluoro hit and some really preppy Catholic school loafers that most men should want. When asked of his favourite piece, Lil Nas X was absolute over email with GQ: “The bright, bright pink shearling Tabby. That’s a statement right there. Feels good too.”
At its core, Coach is an American label through and through. But under the steer of creative director Stuart Vevers, there’s a distinct link on the American counterculture of yore: graphic tees that were worn in Joshua Tree before Joshua Tree became a thing; James Dean leathers in the brightest shade of Margot Robbie Barbie; hoodies that feel more like band merch than they do the stuff of a high street designer giant. There’s maybe no better frontman than Lil Nas X then, who, since his 2018 breakout, has redefined what it means to be a major American star.
Lil Nas X’s allegiance to noisy clothes is no accident. “I’ve always had so much fun with fashion – it’s become a big part of my life and a huge form of expression for me. I feel like the cool thing… is that it helps you be whoever you want to be on any given day,” he says over email. “It also plays a big part in helping create the world around my music, and that has continuously evolved throughout the different eras in my career so far. And it always will.”
The Coach Lil Nas X Drop is available online from 27 December