The trailblazers over at Vinted have been leading the preloved parade for a while now, proving that shopping second-hand is just as stylish as (and waaay more sustainable than) buying something brand new. And it turns out that the parade has been heading in one very particular direction. Towards their first ever pop-up shopthat just so happens to be popping-up in London next weekend.
The fashion aficionados (a-fashion-ados, if you will) are fleetingly taking over a townhouse in South Kensington, setting up shop inside the utterly gorgeous Adria hotel for one day only. House of Vinted will give visitors the chance to peruse preloved pieces from the luxurious likes of Prada gucci, Jangiely, go to Margielle, and Guitailand get their hands on carefully curated collections from notable names in the fashion world, including Susie Lau, Victoria Magrath, Simran Randhawa, and Guilia Valentina.
The collections will be arranged into different themed rooms, such as ‘Art Deco already seen‘, ‘Modern Eclectic’s Encore‘ and ‘Cottagecore Comeback‘. Each room will be packed with pieces sourced from Vinted, its archives, or the creator’s own personal wardrobe. Shoppers will also be able to partake in various fashion-based workshopsor even take a trip to ‘luxury style surgery’, where they’ll be prescribed some fashion advice from stylist and wardrobe consultant, Manisha sabharwal.
How to get tickets to House of Vinted
Unfortunately the House of Vinted pop-up event is invite-only. Selected Vinted members will be invited to register for the event ahead of March 22, so keep those beady eyes on your inbox. If you don’t receive one of the highly-coveted invitations, however, don’t panic. You’ll have a chance to shop the collection online from March 25.
Emma Sullivancreative director at Vintedsaid: “The House of Vinted is not just a unique opportunity to browse luxury pieces; it’s a celebration of the stories behind pre-loved luxury fashion. By making luxury accessible and affordable, Vinted invites guests to discover the timeless beauty of lived-in luxury, encouraging them to rewrite their own fashion stories with these cherished items.
“Everything about the House of Vinted is designed to make guests look and feel ‘new again’. From rediscovering iconic items from epochs-past, to bringing back trends from decades ago; from taking a moment to chill and revitalise at the Vinted café, to refreshing your style with hot tips from your luxury creators.”
House of Vinted will be popping up at The Adria in South Kensington on March 22. Find out more here.