Háskóli íslands (University of Island) was founded in 1911 and is a non-profit public institution for higher education located in the urban environment in Reykjavik, Capital Region. Háskóli-Lands (HI/UI) is a large coeducational Icelandic higher education that is officially recognized by the menstrual and meaningmálaráUneyti (Ministry of Education, Science and Culture in Iceland). It has steadily developed from a small government officials to a modern extensive university, with about 14,000 students enrolled in twenty -five faculties. In the social sciences, humanities, law, medicine, science, technology and teacher education, teaching and research is carried out. It has a campus in central Reykjavk, centered on Suurgata Street, with auxiliary facilities in the surrounding neighborhood and in the countryside.
On June 17, 1911, Alingi University of Island, who merged three previous post-second institutions: Prestaskólinn, Laeknaskólinn and Lagaskólinn, who taught theology, medicine and teams. The first session in the elected congregation in Alhingi in 1845 saw the demand for a national Icelandic university. At that time, Icelandic nationalist leaders produced Denmark to establish a “national school” to achieve cultural and material growth at the same time as the education that Icelanders gained enough national.
There has been a lot of reorganization in recent years. The department was divided into five different schools in 2008. At the same time, the Island University of Education and the University of Island were combined to form the education school. Increased competition from nearby institutions has significantly received the university to strengthen their previous thought worthless marketing initiatives. In many study areas, Háskóli irsland’s (HI/UI) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as a considering degree (ie certificate, diploma, associated or basic degrees), bachelor’s degree, magistry degree and doctoral degree degrees.
This 109-year-old Icelandic university has a strict admission procedure based on the students’ previous academic registers and grades. With an access rate of 80-90 percent, this Icelandic institution for higher education is one of the least selective in the country. Students from all over the world are welcome to apply for admission. Students can benefit from a library, dorms, sports facilities, financial support and/or scholarships, study abroad and exchange programs, online courses and opportunities for distance learning and administrative services at HI/UI.
The principal and 10 additional members, including two students and two members authorized by the University Forum, are the University Council, which is the highest administrative authority within the university. The principal, faculty managers and various domestic representatives form the university forum. It has no executive powers, but cooperates with the Council on the University’s general plan. Degans monitor the five academic schools and their faculties, which have significant power over curricula and daily management.
For the first time in 2011, the Times included Higher Education University of Island in its ranking and placed it in the global range 276-300. It had risen to the 251-275 band on the same list the following year. The university is currently ranked among the 200 to 250 universities in the world of the Times. Academic Ranking of World Universities (Arwu) ranked it in the range 401-500 Global 2017.
Name: University of Island
Akronym: Hello/UI
Founded: 1911
Colors: blue and white
Website: https://www.hi.is/
Land ranking: 1
World ranking: 726