Since 2023, has been showcasing at the London Book Fair (LBF) in order to bring together independent authors and help them share their remarkable stories.
Day 1 – Kicking Off

To start things off, we had the lovely Tish Barnhardt. For those who have been following RM’s past events, she is the author of So You Want to Be a First Lady, and this is her first time at the LBF!
She’s joined by a great number of book-signing authors, including Dr. Marshall S Flam, the witty mind who wrote Wordle Limericks. His book was such a wonderful exercise of creativity and filled with so many nuggets of knowledge that we featured him on the cover of RMDigest.
We also did a few interviews with some of our visiting authors. These included political thriller novelist Geoffrey Bott, the man behind the Deception trilogy. There was also faith and spirituality author Michelle Matko, who authored Answers for Humanities Quest for Truth.
On just the first day, the booth was a spot where a wide variety of worldviews were shared. Another book-signing author was Nikia Alleyne, who published The Curly Chronicles. It is a wonderful fantasy children’s book about a girl with a wild and magical set of curls, and she teaches an important lesson about embracing one’s own unique identity.
Day 2 – Keeping it Up, Keeping It Positive

Activities and discussions at the exhibit simply carried on the excellent momentum they had the day before. It included a book signing with James McCarroll, a senior pastor at First Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He is the author of The Faith to Forgive, a Christian guide to revisiting the topic of forgiveness, and how it can also be a means to empowering transformation.
Aside from the book-signing sessions, there was also an author panel that brought together Geoffrey Bott from the previous day along with two other spiritual authors, Robert Maxie Sr. and Jim Gleeson. Robert had written Rejected on Purpose, another Christian self-help guide, which even won a 2025 Impact Book Award. Meanwhile, Jim’s book (Science, God and You) tackles the gap between mechanical physics and the quantum world of possibilities. Together, their panel touched a little bit of everything including politics, spirituality, science, and more. Of course, this was just a glimpse of the encouraging optimism shared by everyone at the booth.
Day 3 – The Fair is Ending, But Opportunities Are Beginning

On the final day of the LBF, both authors and fairgoers had nothing but appreciation for the opportunity it had given for a solid networking experience in the global publishing industry.
With more and more authors opting to take control over the release of their work, events like the London Book Fair are giving them (and the companies supporting them) more empowering platforms.
Many of the book-signing authors continued to receive many curious fairgoers, offering even more chances to talk about their work and their ideas.
By the end of it all, the stand was a place where many authors and readers connected over shared ideas, with plenty of its participants looking forward to the next big convention.
As always, it has been an honor and privilege for the RM team to continue setting up these opportunities for the world’s growing number of authors – each one with a story they are raring to tell.
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