Having trouble looting chests in Fortnite as soon as you drop? Check out this clever Fortnite trick that can help you secure your loot easier.

As a battle royale game, having good loot in Fortnite is important. While it’s true that you can still secure eliminations regardless of the weapon, it goes without saying that getting your hands on some of the OP items can help you get to the final circle easier.

One way to find the best items in Chapter 5, Season 2 is from God chests or Underworld Chests. These chests glow brightly and have a distinctive sound to them, which makes them easy to spot.

The only problem with them is that you’ll be competing with others to open them and get your loot. However, one player has shared a trick for securing a God Chest in one of the most popular POIs in the current chapter.

As seen from the clip posted in a Reddit thread, to pull off this trick you’re going to need a group emote equipped. The most important thing to do here is to focus on landing near the chest as soon as possible and then quickly use the emote while other players attempt to open the chest.

If done at the right time, other players would be forced to emote with you before they can open the chest. This is your chance to press the interact button on the chest and obtain your loot.

It’s also worth noting that this works for other types of chests and drops as well. Though it’s probably best used during early game when most players are still looting.

Fortnite has a ton of group emotes that frequently rotate in the Item Shop. If you’re wondering what the player in question was using, it was the “You’re a Winner” Icon Series emote.

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