<img src=”https://sm.pcmag.com/t/pcmag_au/news/f/feds-take-/feds-take-down-warzone-malware-arrest-two-alleged-sellers_e4qm.640.jpg” width=”120″ hspace=”5″ alt=”” vspace=”5″ align=”left” />Daniel Meli, also known as 'xVulnerable,' was arrested in Malta for selling the Warzone remote access Trojan and other malware. Prince Onyeoziri Odinakachi was nabbed in Nigeria.
The US has dismantled a strain of Windows-based malware called “Warzone” that’s suspected of targeting thousands of consumers.
The Justice Department seized the main website that sold the malware, warzone.ws, along with three related domains. International law enforcement also arrested two individuals who allegedly conspired to …