From David Dangerfield 90 Day Groom: Before 90 days recently left a flirtatious comment on the married actress’ bikini photo, which made some fans feel uncomfortable. He made his debut in the game 90 Day Groom: Before 90 days season 6 in 2023, where he traveled to the Philippines to meet his girlfriend Sheila Mangubat. The pair became engaged during the season, but unfortunately David’s plan to marry Sheila in December 2024 did not come to fruition. He explained to fans on social media that an issue with a K-1 visa had prevented Sheila from entering America.
David doesn’t let his speech impediment get in the way of interacting with his peers on social media. However, he recently went too far by leaving an embarrassing comment on the actress’ photo.
Thailand Ramone recently posted a photo of herself in a bikini showing off her postpartum transformation. She received over 10,000 likes and supportive comments from everyone, including David who wrote “wow but I don’t care about a body that is so beautiful to me.” The Nebraska resident also left a heart face emoji expressing his gratitude for Thais losing weight. As expected, some fans were not happy with David’s comment and criticized him as creepy, which is why he removed his comments and likes from the post.
David continues to plan for the future with Sheila
David’s comment on Thaís’ Instagram post was weird and unnecessary, but it doesn’t suggest that his relationship with Sheila is over. He has been working hard to earn money to give his girlfriend a perfect life in the US. David has been looking for the perfect place to build a home where he can start a family. He has even asked help from other actors such as David Toborowsky in finding a home for Sheila and his son to America. The 90 day fiance the franchise star seems determined to improve his life.
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While the rest of the Cast have enjoyed the start of 2025, David is more focused on saving enough money to visit Sheila again. In December 2024, he released a video promoting bars of soap and asked fans to buy them from him in hopes of raising enough money for a ticket to meet Sheila. David’s social media presence suggests that he may be looking to invest his savings in real estate or may have reapplied for Sheila’s K-1 visa. His actions suggest that he is still very interested in building a future with Sheila.
Our take on David Dangerfield’s alleged flirtation with Thai Ramone
David should show equal appreciation for Sheila’s pictures
David’s lack of communication skills may have led him to post the unnecessary comment, but the fact that he then quickly deleted it makes him look guilty. David may have been worried about the potential consequences of the backlash, which is why he deleted the flirtatious remark before it escalated. Furthermore, the fact that David rarely leaves similar comments on Sheila’s post, further tarnishing her image. The 90 Day Groom: Before 90 days alum doesn’t seem to appreciate all of Sheila’s photos or compliment her by calling her “beautiful,” as he had done with Thais in his post.
90 Day Groom: Before 90 days airs Sundays at 8pm EST on TLC.
Source: Thai Ramone/Instagram