Amanda Halterman recently commented on the future 1000-lb Sistersand it raised more than a few eyebrows. The beloved unscripted show premiered in 2020 and recently aired its sixth season. The show focuses on the weight loss journeys of 38-year-old Tammy Slaton and 37-year-old Amy Slaton. They are siblings, and several of their other siblings are also on the show, including 44-year-old Amanda.
1000-lb Sisters season 6 recently ended and was very well received by audiences, but there are concerns about the future of the show. As the Slaton siblings have lost so much weight over the years, sometimes it can feel like the series has run its course. Tammy’s recent threats to leave Kentucky also have people wondering if the show will be canceled soon. Read more to learn more about the future 1000-lb Sisters.
Rumors of the show being cancelled
Tammy wants to leave the Bluegrass State
During 1000-lb Sisters season 6, Tammy broke down and revealed that she wanted to move out of Kentucky. Tammy wanted to flex her independence, which she earned by losing 500 pounds. dreams of moving away and creating a new life away from his family. The Slatons are a very close-knit group, which can be suffocating for Tammy. It’s possible she was just venting, but if Tammy were to leave Kentucky, where the movies are set, it could spell the end of the franchise.
Amanda discussed the possible cancellation of the show
It wasn’t what the fans wanted to hear
Amanda recently posted a Q&A on Instagram where he answered fans’ questions. A fan asked Amanda if there would be a 1000-lb Sisters season 7. Amanda said she couldn’t answer because he had signed a legal contract promising not to discuss the show. Needless to say, fans were not comforted by Amanda’s response.
Will the 1000-Lb Sisters be back for Season 7?
Amanda could be a star
If 1000-lb Sisters No to return for a second season, it’s likely that Amanda will play a much larger role in the series. Although she didn’t even appear in the first three seasons of the show, she has added undeniable entertainment value. Between her hot-headed nature, sharp sense of humor, and dramatic love life, Amanda is one of the best things around 1000-lb Sisters.
Amanda Halterman |
December 19, 1980 (44 years old) |
Job |
Bus driver |
Relationship status |
Divorced |
Issue |
4 |
Social media |
115,000 Instagram followers, 426,000 TikTok |
1000-lb Sisters seasons 1-6 can be streamed on Discovery+.
Source: Amanda Halterman/Instagram