Bram Hoover resurrects Jerry Baker 23 Explosionthe key figure in this tear-jerking true story.
Originally published in 2013 23 Explosion is back in the spotlight as the inspirational drama comes to Netflix in the US for the first time.
Set in the real-life world of high school football in Kentucky, the film follows a young man named Travis Freeman who unexpectedly contracts a rare bacterial infection, loses his sight, and returns (against all odds) to the football field. disability.
Who is Jerry Baker in 23 Blast?
Like Travis Freeman, the character whose shocking life story is told 23 ExplosionJerry Baker is one of the real people in Freeman’s life who makes it into the film.
Baker (played by Bram Hoover) was a character on Freeman’s journey back to the field, both in and out of the film version of events.
Travis and Jerry were childhood best friends when the former began experiencing headaches and bacterial meningitis that eventually caused him to lose his sight.
Although he suffered from depression as he struggled with his near-acquired injury, people like Jerry Baker helped bring Freeman out of the darkness and help him realize that he could get back on the field and prove that his visuals were boss.
With Baker’s help, Freeman was able to beat the odds and return to Corbin High School, which ultimately led to the former football star getting his pads on one last time to play, even though he couldn’t see.
Publicly, Freeman has been outspoken about how much Baker meant and still means to him.
Freeman was on Q&A for 15 minutes when he lost his sight “didn’t want any of my friends to come to the hospital to see (her);” However, Baker led him to the door one day “understand that my friends were still going to accept (her):”
“Growing up in Corbin was a great experience. I had a great family and church life and God really blessed me that way. Jerry was my friend growing up. When I lost my sight, I didn’t want anything My friends came to the hospital to see me. One day there was a knock on the door and it was Jerry . He spent the whole day with me and helped me understand that my friends would accept me would be okay.”
He went ahead and called Baker “instrumental” in getting him “of (his) shell” exactly as described 23 Explosion movie.
How did Jerry Baker from the movie 23 Blast die?
Unfortunately, Jerry Baker’s story does not have a happy ending, even like his former best friend Travis Freeman.
Baker tragically died at the age of 26 in 2007. This was due to complications from a devastating roofing accident several years before his death, which left Baker paralyzed from the waist down and with severe brain damage.
After his accident, Baker survived several hospital stays, infections, leg amputations and multiple surgeries, but it all proved too much in the end.
According to Freeman, Baker shortly after the events depicted in the film “I got into drugs and alcohol” something he struggled with until his death:
“When we got to high school, Jerry started going in a different direction. He wasn’t a believer and got involved with drugs and alcohol. A few years ago he was in a roof accident and was paralyzed. He He didn’t take care of himself and died a few years later from complications from the accident. So it’s really the story of two friends and how they deal with tragedies and adversity differently in life and decide to overcome it, and unfortunately Jerry went to feel sorry for himself.”
Baker is survived by his daughter Kailee and mother Vicki.
About what he thought his childhood best friend would have thought 23 Explosion film, Freeman told the film’s publicity team that he “think Jerry would be proud (of that):”
“I think Jerry would be proud of the movie. I think Jerry was there for me. When I was down, he was the friend that said, ‘You’re going to be OK.’ like everyone else and I won’t give up on you.” I think he would be honored to have the role he has in the film.”
23 Explosion is now streaming on Netflix in the US
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