If you have the opportunity to travel to Hanoi, when you pass through Trang Tien Street, you will immediately see a brilliant wall of Cyril Kongo Hanoi Gallery. Therefore, this place has become an art destination in Hanoi that attracts many tourists to visit. This is the first private gallery of Vietnamese-born artist Cyril Kongo. On that day, this artist chose his hometown as a place to store his artwork. At the same time, he also wants to spread graffiti art to his home country and inspire people to create.
The first impression of this gallery is that the outer wall is covered in graffiti, attracting passers-by to take a look. This gallery, like the Saigon Museum of Fine Arts, exhibits many expensive and classic works from around the world. In particular, the Parisian picture is worth more than 2 billion VND, which shows Kong’s gratitude to the friends who accompanied him. The artwork is also a personal memory for the artist, reflecting his time in Paris, where he lived and worked hard. One thing that makes visitors gasp in amazement is that since it is hard for anyone to believe that the artist’s work is sold per m2, this is a rare special quality of art.
In addition, the exhibition room also displays another work, which is a painted crystal vase, part of a collaborative project between Kongo and a long-standing French crystal maker. There are only 50 in the world, all with Congo’s fingerprint on the spray button. With colorful paintings and a beautifully decorated space for different angles, Cyril Kongo Hanoi Gallery makes young people extremely excited and promises to be an extremely “sad” virtual living place.
Address: 9 Trang Tien, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi
Website: http://kongogallery.com/