The Corporation has approved a striking new office scheme at the 30 Minories site in the east of the City, delivering a 14,000sqm uplift in high quality, sustainable office floorspace, along with a new cultural hub for local communities and visitors, delivering social inclusivity.
Designed by PLP Architects, the proposals seek to replace an old postwar block with a charismatic new office building, featuring landscaped terraces, urban greening, as well as the modern, Grade A office space that is currently in such high demand among the Square Mile’s prospective tenants and occupiers. The design will reinforce the attractiveness of the eastern fringe of the City for new best in class offices.
The site at 30 Minories also features a Victorian warehouse building, known as ‘Writers’ House,’ which will be retained and repurposed, as a self-contained community hub. This hub will include an archaeological and cultural centre at its ground floor levels, equipped with new retail space and with affordable workspace provided above.
Remains of the enigmatic Abbey of St Clare, a little-understood medieval religious foundation, are known to survive within the Writers’ House and are predicted to be uncovered during construction. The site also encompasses the eastern Roman cemetery which may have rich archaeological potential. Appropriate artefacts will be displayed in a bespoke, new public exhibition, free to access seven days a week.
Additionally, the developers have pledged to enhance the local public realm, by transforming the car park at Sheppy Place into a new green public square.
Chairman of the Corporation’s Planning and Transportation Committee, Shravan Joshi, said:
“30 Minories exemplifies the new generation of holistic office schemes that we are sustainably delivering, across the Square Mile: green and plugged into to the City’s history and culture, whilst providing public realm improvements for local residents and visitors.
“Through the City Corporation’s Destination City programme, together with developments such as 30 Minories, we are creating a unique and diverse offer for local workers, residents and visitors, as well as investors, to make the Square Mile to a world-leading leisure destination for all to enjoy.”