Each one also carries a powerful ‘slab’, like Colt’s reprise, which offers a supernatural ability. The Nexus slab, for instance, which links enemies so that whatever happens to one, happens to the other. Or ‘shift’ which, much like Dishonored’s Blink ability, allows you to teleport over short distances. So while the ultimate goal is to kill all of the visionaries in one loop, bumping them off individually allows you to figure out their strengths and weaknesses and potentially pinch their slab.
First, I must figure out a way to carry over weaponry from loop to loop. Fortunately I have a lead on that too, which I follow until I am overwhelmed. Bit of complacency on my part, hopefully won’t happen again.
Loop 4
It happened again.
Loop 5
OK, this time I set about collecting a few more weapons before I move in on my target. Part of the pleasure of these early hours playing Deathloop is how you start to settle into its rhythms and ideas. It can lead to a little bit of overconfidence, at times, but the game remains a tough nut to crack. Your health is depleted quickly, while alerted Eternalists have a habit of swarming on your position. But with a bit of clever maneuvering and a sharp aim you have a good chance at overcoming anything.
Without going into too much detail –discovery is another of Deathloop’s greatest pleasures– this time I succeed. I have discovered a way of carrying over items. Only I need to do… something to check that it all works. See you on the other side.
Loop 6
I go off the beaten track to hunt down some more leads, finding myself in a hangar, heavily populated by some cultists. I do my best, but between getting shot, then suffocated by poison gas, then blown up, I think I might try a different tack.