If you (like me) spend the vast majority of your time dreaming, scheming, and planning your next holiday; this piece of news may be right up your street runway.

We all know that a holiday begins the moment you step foot into the airport – that’s why it’s completely acceptable to drink multiple glasses of prosecco at 6am and spend you’re money like you’re playing a game of Monopoly whilst you’re there, right? However, nothing kills the holiday mood quite like a gigantic queue to get through security – and that’s where the new Heathrow Timeslot trial comes in.

Heathrow Airport is currently trialing a new service that allows passengers to pre-book their security slots ahead of their journey. Giving passengers a designated time and entry point to the security search area; Heathrow Timeslot will help to reduce passenger queue times and enable airport staff to plan ahead more effectively and efficiently.

The trial is taking place at Heathrow Terminal 3 and is currently only available for selected flights and airlines. Passengers flying from T3 with American Airlines, Delta, Emirates and Virgin Atlantic are able to utilise the pre-booking service and more airlines could potentially be added throughout the trial.

Eligible passengers can book their slot online up to three days before their flight by using their email address and flight number. Once the slot is booked, passengers will receive an email confirmation and QR code and the time slots allow a 15 minute buffer either side of the booking.

The outcome of the trial will decipher the future of the service and whether it will be more widely rolled out across Heathrow and other airlines.

Be right back: just checking Skyscanner for cheap flights to – well – anywhere.

Find out more about the Heathrow Timeslot trial here.

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