What’s the best printer for most people?
For most people, the best recommendation is the Official Creality Ender 3 V2—the most straightforward printer I’ve ever tried. It takes just minutes to set up and start printing. The print results from this model won’t give you the level of detail produced by pro-level models, but they are great for casual tinkering.
Why get a 3D printer?
The question should really be, why not get a 3D printer? For years, 3D printers have been known to be bulky, expensive, and hard to use. Things have changed in just a few years. Today, 3D printers are simpler to use and inexpensive enough to print everything from toys to tools. You might be surprised at the uses you’ll find. For example, I was missing a screwdriver recently and printed one instead of running to the store.
What’s your favorite 3D printer in this roundup?
If I had to pick one printer to be stranded with on a desert island, it would be the MakerBot Replicator+. This model offers a great combination of ease of use and print quality for a fairly reasonable price. It also prints fast and gets high marks for reliability.
Do most 3D printers suited for home use come with a warranty or easy-to-return policy? Should I look for that when I purchase one?
Be aware that 3D printers can be finicky, so it’s important to buy one with a warranty. All the printers I’ve recommended come with a warranty, although the length varies with each manufacturer. Look for models that offer at least a 12-month warranty for peace of mind.