In 2015 the Our Manchester Strategy was developed – a 10-year plan based on how Mancunians wanted to see our city grow.
Its goal was to help shape Manchester, what its residents wanted to see, and how the city could be made a better place to live, work and prosper.
In the decade that has passed since, Manchester has transformed to bring about real and lasting change that has improved the lives of our residents.
Since 2015:
- There are now 72,000 more jobs in the city between 2015 and 2022
- 90% of primary schools and 80% of secondary schools are classed as ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ – a very significant improvement in the last decade and now better than the national average
- 25,000 new homes have been built in the city since 2015 and there are more than 12,000 homes under construction
- 36,000 new homes are planned up to 2032, 10,000 of which are social, council and genuinely affordable, and 3,000 of which are in the city centre
Ahead of the development of a new Our Manchester Strategy, a period of engagement has launched where people can take part in a survey, informing Manchester City Council on how their priorities have changed, what additional support is needed, and what can be done to ensure everyone can thrive in Manchester.
The City Council wants to hear your hopes for Manchester, especially for the area where you live, learn or work.
What are the things, people and places that matter to you? What needs to improve? What’s going well that you want to see more of?
What is it that, together, you and the Council can do to improve the next ten years for you, your family and your neighbourhood?
The Council will use your views and ideas to shape a new plan for Manchester that builds on the city’s success.
The Council and its partners will also be out in neighbourhoods across the city, holding face-to-face conversations with residents, workers and businesses to really listen to people’s views and ideas for the future.
This engagement phase will run through to June, ahead of a draft strategy being prepared during the summer. The full strategy is expected to be launched in December 2024.
Despite the many challenges people now face, there is still a huge amount that Manchester as a city can feel proud of and there are plenty of opportunities to take advantage of.
The Council’s new vision and the city’s future must be shaped by you. Invest 10 minutes of your time to complete the survey.