Embark Studios released a new patch for The Finals and teased that even more changes the community has been clamoring for sit on the horizon.
Embark Studios released The Finals patch 1.5.5 on January 24, 2024, and adjusted a few different things in the game. Defibrillators have been nerfed slightly, along with many other weapons in the Medium class like the FCAR.
However, a nerf to what the community has repeatedly called an overpowered ability, Recon Senses, was absent. While the patch was overall deemed a decent update, many players were dismayed to see that the ability was not addressed.
Embark immediately responded to player feedback in its Discord, confirming that changes are coming to the Medium class ability.
Players have been calling Recon Senses a broken ability for weeks, and the introduction of the new triple Medium meta has not helped things. There are ways to counter the ability in matches; however, some players do not think a wall hack ability has any place in an FPS game.
Dusty Gustafsson, the Customer Support Lead for Embark, took questions in the studio’s The Finals Discord about the new patch and cosmetics.
One player commented that the developers should remove Recon Sense. Gustafsson replied with a confirmation that changes are in the works for the ability.
“Changes coming next week’s update,” Gustafsson said.
Embark has released patches for the game nearly every week since the game’s launch and has had its pulse on the player base, so far, with its changes.
While no details have been revealed about how the developer will adjust the ability, Recon Senses players should still prepare to move off the ability or be ready to adapt to changes.