Netflix just released another intriguing reality TV show. The Trust is a “game of greed.” Where was it filmed?
Have you been itching for another new intriguing reality TV show to binge-watch?
Netflix has you covered with The Trust. The first few episodes of this money-centered show dropped on January 10, 2024.
Where exactly is this reality TV show filmed? The backdrops are stunning! These are the details of its breathtaking filming location.
The Trust’s filming location
The contestants on The Trust spend time at a ritzy and upscale villa while filming the show. The villa is located in the Dominican Republic, which is in the Caribbean.
The producers of The Trust might’ve taken some inspiration from other Netflix reality TV shows they’ve released like Too Hot to Handle, for example.
On Too Hot to Handle, the singles who are ready to mingle are typically filmed at gorgeous locations with white sand, palm trees, and lapping ocean waves.
That just so happens to be the case for the contestants on The Trust as well! Although the first season of The Trust was filmed in 2023 about a year ago, viewers are finally getting a chance to enjoy the episodes now.
What is The Trust about?
Along with taking in all of the aesthetically pleasing beauty of the Dominican Republic, the 11 participants on The Trust are playing a “game of greed” to potentially receive a portion of $250,000.
It’s up to them to decipher who can be trusted on the island – and who they’d be willing to betray. In some cases, people build up alliances with others who don’t necessarily have their best interests at heart.
The voting process happens in secret, which means everyone is capable of voting each other out of the villa without revealing who they’ve voted for straight away.
Season 1, Episode 8 premieres on Netflix on January 24, 2024.