Adam Smith’s influence on society can be seen in the fact that he is known as the “father of the economist.” The world understood human vision as a result of his writings being investigated in the mid -18th and early 1800s. Among all economists, Adam Smith is recognized as having the most influence.
Although he was a lecturer at Edinburgh University and then Glasgow University, it was his work that gave him appearance. One of US founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton, was significantly influenced by Adam Smith’s “an investigation of nature and the causes of the wealth of nations”, often known as “The Wealth of Nations.” Smith’s ideas and beliefs were used to influence the American economy while serving as secretary for the Treasury. Even today, the ideas about GDP, the importance of free markets and the importance of industrial techniques for the mounting line are still generally employed.
The earliest modern work in economics is called “The Wealth of Nations”, which is really a series of five books. Smith tried to explain the nature and reasons behind a country’s success by using incredibly specific cases. He formed a criticism of the economic system as a result of his investigation. The two things about Smith that are best known are his criticism of mercantilism and his idea of the “invisible hand” that controls economic activity.
Considered without doubt the most important work on the topic ever written, “The Wealth of Nations” is a classic. The most influential work on free market capitalism, no doubt.