With Unknown Netflix debuted a few years ago, some fans have wondered if a sequel could be in the works.
Based on the 2015 novel by acclaimed author Harlan Coben, Unknown arrived on Netflix in early 2020. The series, which starred Richard Armitage and Hannah John-Kamen, premiered with an 83% Rotten Tomatoes score and enjoyed healthy popularity.
Will The Stranger get a season 2?
After writing, UnknownThe likelihood of a season 2 is pretty low. This is due to a few factors. Chief among them is that the show was a miniseries and was only designed to last one season.
In addition, Unknown was based on an independent novel. Author Harlan Coben stated in 2020 (to Express) after the series premiered on Netflix that he didn’t think it was “fair” to stretch the story into another installment:
“In a crime drama like ‘The Stranger’ or ‘Safe or The Woods,’ I don’t think it’s fair to make viewers watch several seasons before you get the answers.
Coben doubled down on this idea and pointed it out Unknown it was designed as a miniseries for a reason and that the production team hadn’t felt the need to tell more stories with the characters:
“We’re only doing one season of the show for that reason, and so far we haven’t felt compelled to bring any characters back.”
In 2023, Radio Times spoke to the author. During the conversation, he admitted it “Sometimes (he thinks about) giving back Unknown“ considering there are new stories to tell:
“Sometimes I think about bringing ‘The Stranger’ back maybe because he can go somewhere else and start a new case with a new group.”
But Coben stood firm and resisted “temptation” make season 2:
“I’m trying to resist that temptation unless I know Season 2 will be at least as good (as if not better than Season 1.”)
Netflix even extended its offer to Coben to produce more Unknownbut he ultimately declined, expressing his desire to move on to his next project:
“When we did ‘The Stranger,’ we were offered the chance to do a second season, but I thought the story of ‘Stay Close’ is better than the second season of The Stranger right now. ‘Someday I might change my mind. When I finish this, I might change my mind after it came out, but right now I’m pretty happy doing it this way.
What could The Stranger season 2 look like?
Plot Unknown revolves around a mysterious young woman who spreads secrets she cannot share. One day this woman approaches Richard Armitage’s Adam Price and tells him that his wife faked a pregnancy.
When this information turns out to be true, Adam’s wife Corinne disappears. This event sets up the story of the entire miniseries as more and more of the alien’s secrets are revealed.
By the end UnknownIn the eighth and final episode, although the central mystery is solved, many threads are left hanging, namely the story shared by the teenage characters Daisy, Mike and Dante.
However, many viewers agree that these secondary threads spun in the series were somewhat inconsequential and that Unknown is still a satisfying conclusion despite the fact that not every plot point is tied up.
All eight episodes Unknown only streams on Netflix.