The second season of the Netflix survival series Outlast is now out in the wild, and the winning team was revealed.

Outlast forces a group of lone wolf survivors to work together in teams to survive the harsh Alaskan wilderness for a $1 million cash prize. The Outlast contestants can change factions or exit the game at any time by shooting flares.

Half of the teams were eliminated in the first six periods Outlast Season 2, only eight contestants left in the competition. The final two episodes of the season were released on Netflix on September 11.

(Jason Bateman’s involvement in Outlast Netflix, explained)

Outlast season 2 winners and losers

Drew Haas


Team Bravo manager Drew Haas was one of the winners Outlast season 2

Despite losing half of his teammates throughout the run OutlastDrew’s navigational skills helped his team reach the final destination before Team Delta and deemed them the victors.

Drake Vliem

Outlast Season 2 Drake Vliem

As the only remaining Team Bravo competitor, Drake helped the team cross the line.

The two-man team was at a serious disadvantage in the final race, but a Texan father helped strengthen their trek through the wilderness, helping them reach their final destination first.

Since Team Bravo only has two members, Drake and Drew are the winners Outlast and distribute a cash prize.

Drake celebrated the duo’s win on Instagram, thanking his followers for their support and love.

Bayardo (Bayo) Hernandez


Python extraction expert Bayo brought many valuable skills to Team Alpha; however, he was the first contestant to be eliminated in the year Outlast season 2

Since the game had few rules, Bayo decided to play it by sabotaging the other team and stealing their container. This backfired when he upset Team Bravo and his team, who found his actions unethical. Bayo was voted off his team and forced to shoot flares in the first episode.

Despite his early elimination, Bayo said so on Instagram Outlast was a “a game and an amazing game.”

Brendon Ash


One of the last contestants Outlast Season 2, Brendon, was a member of Team Delta and made it to the end of the game, but lost in the final competition to Team Bravo. Brendon admitted he considered himself the weakest link on his team due to past knee and ankle surgeries that slowed him down.

Bri Walston


After being part of Team Charlie, Outlast contestant Bri Walston switched allegiances throughout the game. He eventually joined Team Bravo, but succumbed to his health problems after consuming bad food and water, leading to his self-elimination.

Deontre (Tre) Thomas


After his other teammates fell, Tree became the only surviving member of Team Alpha.

Instead of trying to join the other team, Tre exited the game and disappeared into the wilderness without fanfare, but not before hiding all of his team’s supplies to prevent the other teams from gaining an advantage.

Emily Johnston


Emily endured a lot while inside Outlast Season 2, but it wasn’t enough to cross the final line. A founding member of Team Bravo, Emily focused on getting her team to a nearby island in hopes that it might provide them with additional resources.

This led to him building a raft and attempting to cross the icy water himself in episode 6, but he eventually succumbed to the cold and exhaustion and had to shoot flares to survive.

Eric Shevchenko


Chef and home caterer for the group, Team Delta leader Eric did an admirable job of keeping his team together. It wasn’t easy because Eric didn’t have the confidence of his team, who doubted their survival skills. Still, he managed to lead all five members of his team to the end. Unfortunately, it wasn’t fast enough to beat Team Bravo.

Joey DiDesidero


Originally from Team Charlie, Joey was left as the only surviving member of the group after the others fell around him.

After failing to join Team Bravo, he was eventually picked up by Team Delta, which meant he made it to the final stage of the game. Outlast but unfortunately was not part of the winning team.

Joseph Malbrough


Another member of Team Delta, Joseph, a mechanic and outdoorsman, relied heavily on his faith to see him through the race. Although the team managed to make it to the final stage, Team Bravo beat them to the punch.

Joseph praised his teammates and crew in an Instagram post about the show, saying he did “memories I will never forget.”

Julio Laboy


Julio, a defense attorney living in Arizona, was named the leader of Team Charlie.

Unfortunately, despite his strong leadership skills, the Alaskan wilderness was too harsh for Julio. He suffered severe muscle spasms from the cold and had to evacuate himself to receive emergency treatment.

Speaking about his fall on Instagram, Julio said he was proud “lasting 8 1/2 days in the freezing Alaskan rainforest without fire or food.”

Meghan Buchanan


Meghan, a rocket scientist from Colorado, struggled in her time Outlastsuffering from frostbite in two fingers.

When her Team Charlie leader, Julio, had to leave for medical treatment, Meghan decided to leave as well, not wanting to stay in the competition without her leader’s guidance.

Sammy Norris


One of the three surviving members of Team Bravo in the final episodes, Sammy had formed a bond with his teammates Drew and Drake. However, Sammy got sick at the beginning of the 7th episode Outlast and struggled to keep up.

As Sammy tries to continue competing despite his condition, his teammates eventually convince him to shoot the flares for his well-being and encourage him to leave the show. “head up”.

Tina Grimm


Avid hiker, artist and model Tina was motivated to win Outlast to keep his mother, who has stage five dementia, out of a nursing home.

As a member of Team Delta, Tina got close to her goal and brought valuable navigation skills to her team in the final. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to win.

Tonia Willman


all the time Outlast Season 2, Team Alpha member Tonia Willman admitted that she wasn’t the strongest competitor, but didn’t let that stop her from wanting to win the season.

During the first five episodes, Team Alpha struggled to gather food and resources, resulting in the health of several team members declining. This struggle also affected Tonia, who lost consciousness and forced her teammate Tre to shoot the torch for her.

Zach Owens


Alpha Team Leader Zach was responsible for making some big decisions on behalf of the group, including Bayo’s eviction. However, the leader of the group did not last long after the group struggled to find an adequate source of food and warmth. Like Tonia, Zach was knocked out cold and out of the game.

(How Jason Bateman was cast in Netflix’s Outlast)

Outlast Season 2 is streaming on Netflix.

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