
  • Karina’s weight loss journey started at 633 kilos. He ended up weighing 387 pounds.
  • The family’s emotional neglect caused Karina to turn to comfort food and develop unhealthy eating habits.
  • Despite an increasingly desperate family, Karina showed courage and determination. She had another bariatric procedure that helped her lose weight.

Karina Garcia has had quite a journey since performing My 600-lb life, which made him a famous reality TV star. The TV show is great because millions of Americans struggle with weight loss every day. My 600-lb life has managed to document these stories since its premiere in 2012. Fans are waiting My 600-lb life season 12, it’s time to return to Karina’s fantastic journey.

Karina started My 600-lb life At 633 lbs. The show provided her with the tools she needed to improve her life for years as Karina began this weight loss journey when she was cast in the series in 2018. Unfortunately, Karina’s weight gain was a sign of her parents’ neglect. This dynamic led him to form bad habits that followed him into adulthood. At the age of 15, Karina had reached 250 kilos.


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Karina turned to comfort in her youth

After suffering with asthma throughout his childhood, My 600-lb life star Karina saw her condition improve over the years. As he got better, he was expected to work long hours to pay his hefty medical bills. By Cinemaholic, the strain combined with her loss of emotional support led Karina to binge and turn to comfort food. Karina said,

I really just wanted some attention. I wanted a hug, but (my parents) were too busy to give it, so food was my hug. Before school and with my allowance, I bought junk food: chips, soda, cookies and cupcakes. Food was always there to comfort me no matter what.”

Karina is the 600-lb success story of my life

Like most reality stars, Karina’s weight loss journey was uphill from the start. However, with the help of Gilbert Donovan (Lupe Donovan’s husband), Karina got her life back on track. Years after her TV debut My 600-lb life season 6, Karina seems to be sticking to her new lifestyle.

He has replaced fried food and soda with new favorites such as fish.

People are still talking about Karina Garcia

He’s a hot topic on Reddit

Karina was noticed on the show, but sometimes it wasn’t for the right reason. Redditors can be cruel, and one of them called out Karine for overeating. They didn’t like that he ordered (and ate) a lot of food in one sitting. They said:

“I don’t remember who it was, but I remember it was from Papa John’s and I thought to myself, ‘How the hell can these people afford this?’

Another social media user active in the thread reported this “Frizzle” was the one who did it. My 600-lb life Actors are often shamed on Reddit, so this wasn’t too unusual. However, it shows how out of control Karina’s eating habits really were. He ate portions that were not healthy. He was trying to fill an emotional void. However, the joy of eating did not last. Hunger returned and he pressed.

Again, that’s par for the course. People end up on the series because they are addicted. They are forced to eat too much, perhaps to calm themselves down. Such sanctions can be very self-defeating. They can claim a person’s life. Some My 600-lb life stars have sadly passed away, including James Bonner and Gina Krasley.

Anyone living with obesity due to a food addiction should talk to a doctor – help is available.

Karine Garcia’s family did not support her weight loss journey

He had to go it alone

In the show, his family’s emotional support was in short supply, as seen in the clip above. Karina could not count on such a safety net. She lost her sister’s trust when this sibling paid for her gastrectomy. Karina did not maintain her weight loss results after this procedure. When it came time to try again with Dr. Now, the family was skeptical. Clip, through TLC On YouTube, got some interesting comments.

According to the link above, one viewer felt she was Karina’s sister who had tried to help her



acts so snobbish and rude when he’s also literally huge and doesn’t change.

Another user in the chain, chuckleberryfinn, was completely blistered. They made a similar comment as Reddit previously discussed note about pizzas. However, they went into great detail:

I watched this episode he actually ate 2 large pizzas before his dinner 24 honey bbq wings cheese sticks and 9 brownies all from papa johns and I was so amazed at the amount of food I had to add it up and it was 12 000 calories, it was epic

Karina had to face her problems alone, but she was brave. Although the gastric balloon did not result in weight loss, she tried again with Dr. Now. He removed this medical device from his body and performed bariatric surgery. The procedure was successful and he lost 235 kilos. His lowest weight after surgery was 398 kilos. Check out her post-surgery picture below:

He looks very different, and although this smaller photo is the only one available, it illustrates the power of the transformation. Before, he looked sad and stressed. He crashed with his family. Karina had hope, but many failures in the past. He needed to find inner strength. Karina had to hit rock bottom before she could come up.

Unlike some people on the show, he found the grit he needed. He was able to overcome significant obstacles. The woman above is wearing pink and wearing lipstick. He seems to be at peace.

When people dig deep and do what is often considered impossible, they can achieve on a grand scale. No, Karina is not model size, but she lost weight. Many people doubted him, but he finally believed in himself.

Karina’s life was not free from controversy. Fans of the show remember Gilbert as an often controversial character who pressured his wife Lupe into sex after this surgery. This procedure resulted in sutures and wounds being reopened. Her weight loss journey had dramatic ups and downs. However, he managed to lose a lot of pounds.

Today, Gilbert and Karina spend much more time together. This has caused certain fans to question their relationship. Both parties insist that their time together is purely professional, and Karina has remained married for over a decade. His My 600-lb life helped him get healthy and he is an inspiration to all.

Sources: movie freak, TLC

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