Can you tell which celebs these iffy effigies are meant to be?
OOPS! . . . this Toxic offering with a bear’s head raises a few eyebrows. Have any idea who this nude sculpture is supposed to be?
The answer to pop up here
WELL, this statue didn’t go without a Hitch. At least The Birds might like it. This giant mask-like statue is pretty odd.
THINK for a Mo and Kop a load of this mini version of a famous footballer. The sculptor may not have put their best foot forward for this.
YOU Can’t Get No Satisfaction from this bronze tribute. Should be made of Stone. This offering probably wouldn't even win a bronze medal for sculpting.
LET your imagination Phil the gaps in this unlikeness. This is just a right royal mess.
SHE was once a First Lady but this conceptual statue didn’t come up Trumps. This monument wouldn't land first place in anything.
HE’S known as Golden Balls – and now has his own gold statue to boot. Can you guess who this is supposed to be?