Incredible hotel once part of an exclusive holiday resort has been left to rot

Hotel Pelegrin was once a luxurious hotel located on a beautiful beach in a Croatian village, but it has now been left an eerie shell

The stunning 419-bed complex, overlooking the glistening blue waters of the Adriatic Sea, attracted thousands of international guests in the 1980s

But during the siege of Dubrovnik in 1991, the glamorous hotel was shelled repeatedly and the damage is still visible to this day

After the brutal attack, the hotel was used as a temporary shelter and base for servicemen in the Croatian Army

But once they left in 2000, it was completely abandoned and locals stripped anything useful from the shells of the buildings, such as tiles and copper piping

Bullet-ridden walls now scrawled in graffiti make up the complex, with bricks and rubble making the ground near invisible

Now the former resort is overgrown with a jungle of ivy, and disturbed only by the occasional curious tourist