I tested supermarket kitchen roll against Plenty and winners were half the price

Hayley Minn tests supermarket versions of kitchen roll to see how they fare mopping up a water spill. She found two that, at nearly half the price of the pricey big brands, are just as tough.

Known as the nation’s favourite, this brand prides itself on customers only needing one sheet. Straight away, the paper did feel a lot thicker than the others — and it was also very good at soaking up the water.

£5 for 200 sheets

Sainsbury’s - 4/5

Plenty kitchen towel

As soon as I got a feel of a towel it was obvious how much thinner these sheets were in comparison to some of the others. And sadly it wasn’t great at mopping up the water.

£2.50 for 200 sheets

Tesco - 2/5

Tesco kitchen towel

This felt like it was good quality, and continued to feel quite solid after it had been in the water three times. However, it seemed like it was nearing its end after the fourth go.

£2.65 for 200 sheets

Asda - 3/5

ASDA Shades kitchen towels

As soon as I put the sheet in the water it soaked right through, becoming flimsy. It then ripped on the second dab — and was the only one to break. A let-down, sadly.

£2.75 for 200 sheets

M&S - 1/5

M&S Absorbent kitchen towel

Although it seems more expensive than the other own-brand towels, with only 100 sheets, these towels are almost double the size. It held up well and it soaked up everything. There was no need for another piece.

£1.99 for 100 sheets

Aldi - 5/5

Saxon Blast kitchen towel

Despite being one of the cheapest, I found this roll was one of the best. It was extremely good at soaking up water and felt very tough, even after the fourth time I put it on the spillage.

£2.55 for 200 sheets

Lidl - 5/5

Floralys kitchen towel