Ever wondered why some smells make you feel a certain way? Here, fragrance expert Suzy Nightingale reveals which scents can get you busy with your chores - and even busier  in the bedroom . . .

Suzy says: “Citrus fruits are fantastic for your productivity because they wake you up. So things that smell like oranges are proven to lift our spirits, revive flagging energy levels and provide much-needed focus.”

Sniff citrus to boost energy for chores

Suzy says: “Deep, woody smells are fantastic at helping you relax. A great way to do this is to water your outside plants, then breathe in the wet soil. These smells can lower blood pressure and increase healing rates.”

Sniff watered plants to get a better night’s sleep

Suzy says: “Believe it or not, in a study, people said they felt slimmer when sniffing lemons. We don’t know why this happens, but it does. Any lemon-scented item, like your washing-up liquid, will have this effect."

Sniff washing-up liquid to help you feel slimmer

The heady scent is ideal for boosting brain power. Suzy says: "It’s been shown in scientific studies that essential oils such as lavender are actually better for long-term memory recall than doing a daily sudoku puzzle."

Sniff lavender to improve brain function

Suzy says: “There’s a reason people stay for ages in bookshops – it’s calming. Paper breaking down releases smells of vanilla and lignin, the smell of wood pulp. It’s a pleasant aroma and has been proven to settle the mind."

Sniff old books to calm your mood

When you want to get in the mood, try wafting a doughnut under your nose. Studies have shown the sweet treat smell can increase blood flow to our private parts by 40%, increasing feelings of arousal.

Sniff doughnuts to boost your sex life