unexpected causes  of back  pain - and  what you can do to ease it


Yellow Heart

Back pain affects millions in the UK. But many case are linked to everyday habits which if identified could help reduce pain. Here are six - and solutions from mobility expert Lee Cartwright

Yellow Heart

Dehydration can impact the spine, leaving joints, discs, and other connective tissues weakened. SOLUTION: Sip water during the day & eat fruit

1. Dehydration

Yellow Heart

It places strain on the muscles and joints of your spine, flattening its natural curve. Solution: Try to sleep on side, using a pillow between your knees to help

2. Sleeping on your  stomach

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A lack of protein can hinder your body’s ability to maintain and repair back muscle tissue. Solution: Salmon, sardines and chicken breast are great for your diet

3. Not enough protein

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Eating sugary snacks can lead to problems with back pain and trigger inflammation. Solution: Fruit provides natural sweetness and helps reduce inflammation

4. A sweet tooth

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Being inactive for too long can weaken  back muscles and reduce your overall fitness Solution: Simple as walks for 10 to 45 minutes will help

5. Not moving enough

Yellow Heart

Leaning forward and staring at a computer places considerable stress on the lower back. Solution: Put your monitor at or just below eye level, keep your keyboard close enough to keep elbows relaxed

6. Slouching