Thank you, Mr President.

Yesterday, Nicaragua declared that it is leaving this Council. We want to make it clear that this will not change the need to hold the authorities accountable for the suppression of human rights in Nicaragua.

In this spirit, we welcome the report of the Group of Human Rights Experts on Nicaragua. We are alarmed by its findings, including further reports of extrajudicial killings and arbitrary detention. We are concerned that authorities have used physical and psychological violence (including threats, rape, beatings and prolonged solitary confinement) against those who participated in the 2018 protests, and against individuals who have been accused of publicly criticising the authorities.

In addition, the approval of the wide-ranging constitutional amendments passed on 30 January undermine the separation of the powers of the state and mark a further tragic development in the dismantling of the rule of law in Nicaragua.

Moreover, the increase in reports of transnational repression, including intimidation and harassment of Nicaraguans in exile, represents a further attack on human rights.

The ongoing limitation of Nicaraguans’ civil, political, and other human rights is unacceptable.

Thank you.

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