
  • Becca and Emily formed a close friendship during Season 17 of Married At First Sight.
  • Becca and Emily destroyed their marriage because they didn’t understand attraction.
  • Becca and Emily’s hypocritical behavior and troubled friendship contributed to the downfall of their relationship.

With Married at first sight as season 17 draws to a close, two cast members have proven to be the most annoying spouses this season. Married at first sight season 17 was historic as it featured the show’s first runaway bride. The bride, whose face was never revealed, walked down the aisle toward Michael Shiakallis, but changed her mind at the last minute and decided she couldn’t marry a stranger. Michael was offered another bride and ended up getting married later in the season.

Married at first sight has always had a terrible track record, most Marriages ended in divorce, and Season 17 has been no exception. of them five couples who got married, four have already divorced. The last remaining couple, Michael and his second bride, have not yet made their final decision. Of all Married at first sight cast of season 17, the two most annoying spouses by far are Becca Haley and Emily Balch.

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Becca and Emily strike up a friendship

They became very close

During the season, Married at first sight season 17 couples mix and mingle to form their own bonds. Whether it’s social occasions or couples hosting an exhibition, The cast spends a lot of time together throughout the season, creates opportunities for making friendships. Two actors who became really close during filming were Becca, who was married to Austin Reed, and Emily, who was married to Brennan Shoyket. Becca and Emily have continued their friendship after their failed final days.

Becca and Emily ran their marriage into the ground

Laws of attraction

Marriage is hard, and it’s even harder to marry a complete stranger while being filmed by a camera crew, but Becca and Emily aren’t doing themselves any favors. Becca spent most of it Married at first sight season 17 crying Austin is not close with her, although he made it clear that he needed more time. Meanwhile, Emily teased Brennan about not being interested in him, managing to make herself even less attractive to him in the process. Neither woman seems to understand the laws of attraction and how it affects their marriages.

Married At First Sight Season 17 Couple

Relationship status

Michael and the first bride

Never married

Lauren & Orion


Claire & Cameron


Becca & Austin


Emily & Brennan


Michael & Chloe


Becca and Emily are hypocrites

Double standards

Custom image by César García

During a recent episode Married at first sight season 17, Becca came after closing day to help Emily move and commented how nice it would be to have some men around to help them.

Self-described feminists hate the patriarchy until they need a man to help them move a few boxes.

Even though Becca sold herself as a strong, independent woman, her constant screaming for intimacy didn’t make her seem that way. Its It is hard to imagine how these women would have behaved if the men had demanded intimacy all the time. Also, the double standard of constantly criticizing their husbands while refusing to hear criticism about themselves is also extremely hypocritical.

Becca and Emily’s friendship is troubled

Bad for each other

Friendships are meant to be uplifting, but during Becca and Emily’s friendship Married at first sight season 17 has been extremely problematic for both women and contributed to the collapse of their marriage. Becca and Emily have encouraged each other’s worst instincts and emotionscausing problems in their relationships. Although Austin and Brennan were far from perfect, Emma and Becca were the biggest obstacles to their marriage.

Married at first sight

airs Wednesdays at 9:00 PM EST on Lifetime.

Married at first sight

Based on the Danish version of the series, Married at First Sight is a reality show/social experiment that gives singles the chance to find a lifelong partnership with one specific caveat: they must agree to marry a stranger the moment they meet. Experts offer advice and guidance as they help couples navigate their new marriage with an unknown partner, highlighting the newlyweds’ journey from wedding to honeymoon to starting their new life together. After eight weeks, couples decide to stay married or divorce.

The seasons

Lotte Offenberg Bergqvist, Razor Rizzotti

Charlie Mysak, Michael Fitzpatrick Lawrence Jr., Nick Petrie

Sam Dean

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