A TikTok user known as @tipperk has shared a simple hack to keep bananas fresher for longer. He tested four different storage methods in a two-part video and asked his followers, “What’s the best way to keep bananas fresh?”

Explaining his method, he said: “I have four bananas here and I’m trying four different storage methods. Banana number one will hang in a bowl on the bench, for banana number two I wrapped the tip in plastic wrap, the third banana tip is wrapped in a wet paper towel and the fourth goes straight into the fridge. Which one do you think stays fresh the longest?”

In a follow-up video, he revealed: “The one left on the counter is still in good shape. The other one, with the tip wrapped in plastic wrap, looks pretty good too. The third banana, wrapped in a wet paper towel, has held up just as well as the first two. Surprisingly, the banana stored in the refrigerator developed dark spots and ripened faster.”

His videos have received thousands of views. We know that some fruits can help others ripen when put together in a bowl, and that sunlight can make them ripen faster. Gary Ellis, director of CE Safety Limited, says covering the end where a bunch of bananas join can keep them fresh longer because that’s where the gases escape.

He told The Express: “A small amount of plastic wrap around the end where they are often joined. This will keep them fresh longer because it traps the ethylene gas at the top of the fruit, where it is released, rather than letting it spread and expose the others the bananas for the gas.”

Bananas, along with apples, pears, peaches and other fruits, release a gas called ethylene. This gas helps to ripen fruits, which is why it is recommended not to have certain fruits in the same bowl, to cover the tip to preserve it, but also to avoid storing them in a closed space, such as a box in the refrigerator or a paper . or plastic bag. This is because these actions trap the gases and concentrate them around the fruit, causing them to ripen faster.

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