Sister wives stars Meri Brown and Kody Brown have the dubious honor of being divorced on two separate occasions. The first divorce came in 2014, and it was a divorce in name only. Meri was Kody’s first wife, and they had one child together. They married in 1990, and although his marriage to Meri was recognized by the state, polygamy is illegal, so his other three marriages were spiritual in nature.

When Kody married his fourth wife, Robyn Brown, in 2010, he joined the family with three children from his previous marriage. In 2014, Kody divorced Mere in order to legally marry Robyn with the goal of adopting her children, which he later did. Meri agreed, but was shocked, cried as she signed the papers concluding the legal union. When Meri broke up with Kody again in 2022, it was true. During Sister wives season 19, Kody wants everything to go away, but Meri refuses to go quietly.

Kody’s version of the story

He says Meri was “angry”

Sister wives season 19 recently premiered, and in an early episode, 55-year-old Kody got brutally honest about his marriage to 53-year-old Mere. In the camera interview, Kody described Meri “mad” person, and said that he knew soon after their wedding that he had made a mistake. Kody knew he couldn’t live with Mere, but he didn’t want to divorce her, which is why he married several wives. This is a version of the story that Kody has never shared before, so Meri’s response should be interesting.

Kody wanted Mere to go away

He wants responsibility

Custom image by César García

During the early period Sister wives season 19, Kody discussed that Meri left him, but she didn’t seem broken by the mental divorce. In fact, he said, “I just needed him to go away. Because it took forever for him to finally realize that it’s been done and over for years.“Even though Kody is ready to forget about the whole marriage, Meri is mad at Kody and isn’t going to let him off the hook.

The sea drew the church into it

The covenant has been broken

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Custom image by César García

Kody could not legally marry all of his wives, so they had what was called a “covenant” with their church. I don’t want to be sealed to Kody foreverMeri went to meet the church leaders to officially end the marriage. When Meri told Kody about it, she basically told him that she didn’t recognize the authority of the church. Meri grew up in a polygamous family and is clearly still a believer who wants to handle her divorce properly. With Sister wives season 19 just starting, fans will surely learn more about Kody and Meri’s church saga.

Kody Brown

Meri Brown






2014 & 2022

Sister wives season 19 airs Sunday nights at 10pm on TLC.

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