We at London consider ourselves pretty plugged in when it comes to London’s sights, sounds, tastes, and goings-on. But it can be easy to lose sight of just how big and intimidating London can seem when you first visit or when you move to the city. Not only is London enormousbut there are all sorts of unspoken rules we’re all following. How are London newbies expected to cope? (Unfortunately, you’re pretty easy to spot, too…) Well, fortunately, we’re here to help!

Now, we do have a guide of “Things You Need To Know To Survive Living In London“, but we thought it was time to hit the streets. Who better to provide some advice for London newbies, after all, than Londoners, themselves?

So we hit the streets of Soho, seeking out fabled London wisdom, and you all had plenty of top tips and tricks to share with us. Have a watch below to see what kind of advice Londoners had to share.

Advice for London newbies

We got plenty of top tips from you! Among the best advice for London newbies was:

  • “Hold your phone as tight as possible.”
    • You don’t want that phone snatched!
  • “Walk at the pace of everyone else” and “stay out of everyone’s way”.
    • Don’t be dawdling in the middle of the pavements and blocking the way!
  • “Always go out with a coat”
    • London’s weather is notoriously fickle, and you could find yourself in a deluge of rain at a moment’s notice.
  • “Live your life – and don’t care what anybody thinks.”
    • London may be big, but thanks to how many people there are, no one cares what you’re doing – in the best way possible. Wear that outfit, do that performance, and express yourself as authentically as possible in our lovely city.
  • “Take your time”
    • You’re in London. You’ve made it. Don’t feel like you need to rush everywhere and do everything immediately. Enjoy your time in our wonderful city.

So, there you have it. Some grade-A advice for London newbies, looking to find their way in our city. What advice would you give to someone new to the city?

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