If you found a way to instantly brighten your teeth in just 10 minutes, banishing stains and yellowing from tea, coffee, wine and tobacco, you would share it with the world. Well, that’s what beauty fanatics who use the dentist-recommended MySweetSmile Precision Teeth Whitening Pen do – especially when it costs £19.99. Said to lighten your grin by “two shades” in just one week, the pen is a simple solution for those who want a dazzling smile without having to shed all those extra pounds at a dental hygienist’s treatment.

The nifty little gadget is packed with advanced ingredients like PAP (phthalimidoperoxycapronic acid) to safely remove tough stains without damaging enamel or increasing sensitivity, something that often happens with peroxide-based formulas. It also has nHA (Hydroxyapatite) to repair enamel and reduce sensitivity, along with PVP (Polyvinylpyrrolidone) to protect against new stains after treatment.

Its design features a “brush tip”, making the pen ideal for accessing and brightening the hard-to-reach areas of crooked or crowded teeth. Hailed as an essential item for on-the-go touch-ups, it’s perfect for finishing off your ‘first date’ look.

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Plus, it claims to work its magic in just ten minutes, making it a godsend for busy bees in need of a quick teeth whitening.

The pencil is also super easy to use and illuminates your pearly whites with a simple application of polish. Just twist the pencil, brush on a thin layer and after just 10 minutes, rinse away for a dazzling smile, reports the Mirror. It is recommended to use it three times a week for optimal results.

Curious how it works so quickly? We understand. As described on the MySweetSmile website. When applied, “the whitening gel begins to release the active ingredients of our Advanced PAP formula into the tooth structure. This provides rapid whitening results without causing any of the sensitivity that peroxide-based whitening agents are known to cause.”

Satisfied users rave about their experiences, with one happy customer sharing: “Finding MySweetSmile has been a revelation for my dental care! The pen is a miracle worker for last minute touch ups. An absolute must in my purse.”.

Another user echoed this sentiment, exclaiming: “I have to say the MySweetSmile whitening pen is super easy to use and my teeth are visibly whiter, delivery was incredibly fast which was a nice surprise. This pen has become a staple in my daily routine .”

One happy customer, who initially just bought the powder but struggled with a persistently discolored tooth after use, shared: “I still have a very discolored tooth so two days ago I ordered a whitening pen which arrived today – had to try it straight away and what a difference with just one application Will be using it a few days a week from now on.powder and pencil So glad to have found products that actually do what they say they do.

Labeling the product as a ‘must have’, another enthusiast said: “MySweetSmile whitening pen is now an essential part of my on-the-go kit. It’s discreet, effective and I can pick up my smile anywhere. Absolutely must have!”

A fourth customer said: “The teeth whitening pen exceeded my expectations in more ways than one. Not only did it effectively bring my smile to life, but the lightning-fast delivery pleasantly surprised me. A winning combination for a brighter, whiter smile!”.

A previously skeptical user had been convinced, saying: “I was skeptical – after years of drinking wine and coffee, my hygienist always makes a big deal about the discoloration/staining, especially between my teeth. Thought I’d give this a try and after just three nights I’m amazed at the difference, including the right spaces. It’s easy to use and the brush is the perfect size to get into the bits between my teeth that I could never get white I’m happy”.

However, despite being easy to carry around, some people pointed out that there wasn’t much gel in the pen.

As with all beauty products, results can vary from person to person, with some shoppers saying they saw a more noticeable change after using the brand’s teeth whitening powder (£24.99) or PAP strips (£19.99).

There are a few options on the market if you’re looking for a practical teeth whitening solution.

For example, Colgate Max’s White Overnight Pen claims to reverse 15 years of blemishes while you sleep, and is on sale at Superdrug for £19.99. Similarly, the SmileTimes teeth whitening pen, priced at £16.99, also includes PAP and promises results in just ‘one minute’.

For those interested in the precision teeth whitening pen from MySweetSmile, it is available for purchase on their website here.

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