Sunset for sale star Chelsea Lazkani has been playing the victim lately, but there are signs that he is troubled in the midst of her dramatic divorce from Jeff Lazkan and problems with Bre Ties. Yes, it is sad that the Chelsea man allegedly cheated on her. However, this heartbreaking betrayal doesn’t make him a villain who deserves to be undone. On the other hand, the fact that Jeff was seemingly unfaithful doesn’t make him an angel either. On the screen in Sunset for sale in season 8, he caused so much trouble by displaying an ego that was out of control.

Chelsea have so much going for him and maybe that’s the ultimate problem. The “Queen of Manhattan Beach” realizes she’s an amazing realtor. Reputation may be the magic ingredient that turns this beautiful Oppenheim Group agent “evil.” If she weren’t on TV, she might not be gossiping, offering unsolicited advice, and then blaming other people for the resulting drama. Chelsea need to relax. However, he is so “Type A” that he will probably never change.

Chelsea’s husband says he is a violent person

What if Jeff is telling the truth?

On screen, Chelsea fumed after Bre took her aside to share cheating rumors about her husband Jeff. Chelsea seemed hurt and blindsided, but there was more to the story… much more. If she was such an innocent victim, why did she turn on Bre afterwards and accuse her of using the rumors for revenge and screen time? After this, Chelsea also had the audacity to tell the world that SHE was the one who staged the cheating reveal scene.

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All of this makes Chelsea look bad…so bad. By inviting his fellow actors who really seemed to care that Jeff was probably cheating on Chelseaand later saying that she planned the whole reveal, she becomes a mean woman who is merciless. Did she say she set up her husband and Bre at the same time? It seems so. Pushing this story, Chelsea shows:

Chelsea’s husband, Sunset for sale star Jeff Lazkani accused him of domestic violence. Yes, divorces get messy and Jeff has been attacked a lot in the press. He’s painted as a dirtbag who cheats in plain view of the whole world, barely even trying to hide what he’s doing. Being “that guy” probably doesn’t feel very good. However, it does not necessarily mean that he does not tell the truth about his wife.

Maybe Chelsea turned violent – only Jeff and his ex-wife know for sure. It is best that the courts sort out such allegations.

The “setting” of the reveal scene alone is a good reason to cancel Chelsea. Bre definitely doesn’t deserve to mess with this. He’s just trying to live his life. He has a job, a very small baby and more. Again, Bre seemed to care about Chelsea’s pain, and maybe she shouldn’t have. I hope he doesn’t make the same mistake again.

Chelsea Mom-Shamed Bre You knew

Mothers should not choose other mothers

Domestic violence has not been proven, and it may never be. However Owning Chelsea is orchestrating the cheating rumorif he’s telling the truth about it – and that’s not all he’s done to Bre. Before Bre broke the rumor that Chelsea’s husband was getting too close to another woman at a local hotel, she brutally shamed Bre with her mother, cutting him down to size and judging him from a great height.

Okay, Chelsea doesn’t like that Nick Cannon has an army of moms – fair enough. However, there’s really no good reason why he should share every thought and statement with the world. Bre is a grown woman – she decided to have a baby with someone. It was his decision. What’s most offensive about that shaming is that she implies that Bre doesn’t have the common sense to make smart choices about her own life.

Chelsea chose a husband destined to make her miserable. Love is a gamble – who’s to say that Bre’s gamble on Nick was any less successful? She’s still in the picture when Chelsea’s ex calls her a violent, loose woman.

Maybe Bre made a wiser choice.

Chelsea never stops thinking and that’s why she should be cancelled. However, an apology would go a long way. In fact, it’s something he really needs to do. Bre may never trust her again after all this, but that doesn’t mean Chelsea isn’t wrong. He’s definitely gone too far and the fact that he’s playing the little fiddle is almost embarrassing at this point. Chelsea’s heartbreak was real – that’s for sure. I hope this kind of pain teaches Sunset for sale star that other people should be loved, not judged.

Fans can watch Sunset for sale On Netflix’s streaming platform.

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