Star Pubs will invest £4.6m in renovating their pub exteriors and creating stunning outdoor spaces in 2024, with 156 pubs benefiting from the external upgrade programme.

To deliver maximum returns to licensees, Star takes a strategic approach to its refurbishment projects, focusing on reflecting and promoting each pub’s internal offering to passers-by through its exterior and signage. As part of the initiative, all of Star’s project teams have gone through the conscious and subconscious signals communicated by the outside of the pub. Wall signs and smart heritage colors are used in premium venues, while locals use classic swing signs and paint in traditional pub colors such as burgundy. The building is undergoing 70 renovations, each costing an average of £38,000. These include new signage, lighting and plantings, as well as additions such as entrances and cladding to improve curb appeal.

The Star’s outdoor budget will refurbish the gardens of 86 pubs and focus on developing areas that will generate additional trade over at least nine months and during wet British summers. To accommodate different pub layouts and design regulations, Star uses two design approaches for large projects: awnings that open directly from the pubs through double doors, and freestanding heated and lighted pergolas with pitched roofs that are completely separate from the pubs. building. Both options are designed to function as additional rooms and can be used for functions and events as well as for outdoor dining and dining. In accordance with the customers’ top quality requirements, the premises will have decorative details, such as padded seats, festoon lighting and wall paintings. Uncovered parts of the gardens are filled with picnic benches to maximize traffic on dry and warm days.

Star Pubs Property Director Chris Moore says: “The outside of a pub is as important as the inside. The outside is like the packaging of a product; it needs to connect what customers find inside and encourage potential customers to try it. People want a premium experience when they go out. Attractiveness is key – everything has to be just right. A great garden also enhances the inside. Pub-goers have not lost their enthusiasm for sitting outside with friends. After the trials of our managed pubs, it is now established as a favorite party we invest in weather-resistant structures, and this year’s cold, wet weather highlights its value.

Case Study: The Winchmore, Winchmore Hill
A £150,000 investment has transformed Winchmore’s back garden into an eighty-seater area that can be used all year round in all weathers. Completed in March, it doubles sales during busy times and increases sales by 20% on weekends. The aluminum frame structure has double entrance doors from the parking lot, heating, solid walls as sound insulation and a retractable roof. It is equipped with a bar, waiting station and a selection of furniture including booths and barrel tables. Instagrammable floral decorations, beautiful lighting and details like blankets add to the ambiance.

Licensee Eimear Walsh says: “It’s been busy since day one. The space allows us to hold private events, sift through euros and accommodate Sunday lunch customers we would have had to turn away before – all just additional business. It was a blessing during the cold rainy spring and early summer when people wanted to eat and drink outside. It expands the pub and boosts business throughout the year, including at Christmas.

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