
  • Ellie struggles to follow Aesha’s instructions, hindering her ambition to become Chief Stew in the boating business.
  • Aesha feels burnt out and understaffed at Mustique because she can’t depend on Ellie or Bri for support in her role.
  • Ellie feels mistreated by Aesha, leading to tension and potential conflict as Aesha tries to keep the yacht running smoothly without much help.

Below deck, the Mediterranean Sea season 9’s Aesha Scott and Ellie Dubaich may be working closely together, but it looks like it There may be a dispute between the main stew and his significant other. Aesha who has been involved Below decks franchise for years, has worked tirelessly in Mustique during Below deck, the Mediterranean Sea season 9. Although Aesha has not previously worked for Captain Sandy Yawn as Chief Stew, her first time on Mustique has tested her mettle in the role. Captain Sandy has empathized with Aesha’s struggles, knowing that her job has been unexpectedly difficult.

Although Aesha was the biggest name to return Below deck, the Mediterranean Sea this season’s second stew Elena Dubaich has been part of the franchise before. Originally published Below deck, the Mediterranean Sea in season 7, Ellie returned to the crew for a second season on Mustique, hoping that she could hone her skills to advance her career. Although Aesha’s other stew, Bri Muller, has had issues throughout the charter season, The problems with Ellie’s show have been growing since the beginning. Now, with only a few charters left, Stews could go wild.


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Ellie has been having trouble following Aesha’s instructions

He’s not the best listener

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all the time Below deck, the Mediterranean Sea in season 9, it’s been clear that Ellie is working towards a goal. At the beginning of the season, he said he wanted to become Chief Stew in the next few years in the sailing industry. Although he has been part of the sailing industry for almost a decade, Ellie has struggled to reach the higher ranks while he’s on Deck Med. Thanks to Aesha’s education, she has been hopeful about taking the next step in her career.

Unfortunately, things haven’t been easy for Ellie in Mustique when it comes to his work. Although Aesha has entrusted Ellie with second-guessing duties, especially serving and bartending, she has often been disorganized and struggled to keep her priorities in check. Despite knowing that there are certain quirks to what she does, Ellie has struggled to follow Aesha’s instructions and has repeatedly been talked out of shifting her priorities aboard Mustique.

Aesha has been feeling burnt out because she is understaffed

He doesn’t have enough support

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Although Aesha has a staff of Stews to help her keep things running, it’s been clear since the beginning of the charter season that there aren’t enough hands to go around. Aesha has struggled throughout the charter season For a few reasons, but mostly because the interior staff has been understaffed at Mustique. Traditionally, the main stew and three other stew parts are supposed to work in the interior of the crew, but due to the cabin leak there was only room for two stews.

Aesha has had to face the fact that she doesn’t have the ability to run things on her own, but also that she has had to rely on stews that have failed to perform up to her standards. Although Ellie has slightly more capacity than Bri, both Stews have been trying to hold it together and get the job done throughout the charter season. Instead of cooperating well, they’ve been fighting and keeping Aesha so busy that she can’t take a real break.

Ellie feels like Aesha Treats her Badly

He is not happy with the management

Ellie’s struggles in Mustique have been interesting to watch as most of her problems have revolved around Bri and their strange love triangle with Deckhand Joe Bradley. Ellie’s problems with Bri have been more professional than personalthough Bri has drawn her personal feelings into their problems consistently throughout the charter season. Although Ellie has managed her own emotions well, she has struggled with how Aesha has treated her during the more difficult moments of tension.

Although she has openly said that she doesn’t like the way Aesha has victimized Bri and not allowed her to talk about her feelings, Ellie empathizes with Aesha’s position as Chief Stew. Ellie has also stated that she feels she has been mistreated by Aesha as a manger in Mustique, explaining that she feels she is not trusted to do her job. Feeling that Aesha is micromanaging her, Ellie doesn’t feel like she can do as much as she normally could in her role Aboard Mustique.

Aesha can’t depend on Ellie or Bri

He only has himself

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As Ellie and Bri struggle through their own mess, Aesha has taken on extra responsibility to keep Mustique running smoothly. As the main sword, Aesha should be able to rely on her second and third stew parts to ease herself and get to the point where she can simply delegate tasks to Mustique. He still has responsibilities to handle on his own, but Aesha should be in a higher level role.

Although Aesha is supposed to trust the crew, not being able to trust Ellie and Brih has made her day-to-day life difficult. Without the Stews to do their job, Aesha has been forced to spread herself far too thin, which has made things difficult for her personally. Although Aesha is burnt out trying to keep Mustique goinghaving only himself at work is likely to be extremely difficult.

Will Aesha & Ellie Feud Before Charter Season Ends?

The Stews are both annoyed

Although Aesha seems to have issues with both Ellie and Bri, Ellie has been more of a problem for him because her value is another stew and the fact that he has demanded more responsibility. The Below decksMediterranean stew has been extremely disobedient to Aesha, struggling to keep his priorities straight and taking a victim mentality to some of his personal issues on the superyacht. Although Ellie has merit in her work, things may come to a head with Aesha in the upcoming episodes.

Aesha seems to be at the end of her rope with the stews she owns and the new stew. Below deck, the Mediterranean Sea, things can change for him. A little more clearly, Aesha might understand that Ellie is good to be around, but needs more training. Things can turn around Below deck, the Mediterranean Sea stew, as well, leaving him high and dry before the end of the subscription period.

Below deck, the Mediterranean Sea airs Mondays at 9:00 PM EDT on Bravo.

Source: Below decks/Instagram

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