I know, that’s quite the title, and after reading this article you will want to start baking, fast. Scones, Victoria Sponge and Jam Tarts were the British foods named among the most at risk of becoming extinct and could vanish WAY sooner than we would like to. Now, let’s investigate further what the study concluded and if we should actually become worried.

Ninja Uk has recently conducted a study, naming a bunch of British foods that carry the highest risk of extinction. Unfortunately, baked goods were not the only ones on the list – Shepherd’s Pie and Glamorgan Sausage did not escape being endangered.

2,000 people were surveyed in the study, with the company also analysing five years’ worth of data from Glimpses to find out when the British foods could become extinct. What is more, the methodology included Reddit posts and Google data from Ahrefs to help reveal the number of pages and traffic the recipes were generating.

However, the study also concluded that “57% of the nation would be sad to see British staples fade away, 31% appreciate the evolution of food trends”. Plus, “35% still enjoy indulging in British cuisine”.

British puddings at risk of extinction

The British puddings most at risk were the most surprising, with Teisen Lap, Rock Cakes and Chelsea Buns predicted to become extinct as early as 2026. Moreover, Wheaten Bread, Victoria Sponge Cake and Gypsy Tart could vanish by 2027, while Scones, Rhubarb Crumble and Banbury Cakes are predicted to become extinct by 2028. Jam Tarts are predicted to be around until only 2029, not making things much easier, either.

  1. Strength
  2. Rock Cakes
  3. Chelsea Buns
  4. Wheaten Bread
  5. Victoria Sponge Cake
  6. Gypsy Tart
  7. Scones
  8. Rhubarb Crumble
  9. Banbury Cakes
  10. Jam Tarts

British foods at risk of becoming extinct

Glamorgan Sausage and Potatoes Five Mms are at the top of the list, and could vanish by November and December of 2025. Vegan Roast Dinner and Pan Haggerty could be gone by 2026while Shepherd’s Pie and Nut Roast are predicted to become extinct by 2027. Not on my watch, Shepherd’s Pie! Vegan Pie is predicted to vanish by 2028and Welsh Lamb, Cheese and Onion Pie and Panackelty could be gone by 2029.

  1. Glamorgan Sausage
  2. Five -minute potatoes
  3. Vegan Roast Dinner
  4. Pan Haggerty
  5. Shepherd’s Pie
  6. Nut Roast
  7. Vegan Pie
  8. Welsh Lamb
  9. Cheese and Onion Pie
  10. Panackelty

So, are you just as motivated to get cooking and baking now, and keep the British staples alive? Because we are!

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