An Overwatch player managed to pull off an insane feat in a ranked match despite an earthquake, proving that anything is possible.
It’s no secret that there are so many things that can go wrong during an experiment classified in Overwatch 2 . Whether it’s teaming up with underperforming teammates, complaining, or getting stomped by prefabs, many of these things will happen regardless of a player’s rank.
And when a match becomes unwinnable, things can get worse. Sometimes it’s just a matter of time until someone gets swayed and decide to give up or leave .
But one player in particular proved that no matter how dire things may seem, there is always a silver lining.
An earthquake hit in the middle of my comp game…I still won. by u/SomeDudeYouMet in Overwatch
Featured in a clip on Reddit, the player showed off his footage of pulling off a crazy clutch in a ranked match despite the earthquake IRL. The cutscene started with the player pressing the payload as Ramattra.
As the payload approached the first point on Route 66, the earthquake began to occur and the player had no choice but to leave to get to safety. Fortunately, this only happened for a short time. The player also assured others that it was nothing serious and also managed to save his dogs.
When they returned to the game, they were met with an unsurprising team wipeout, considering it was a 4-5 battle for a while. Then, what appeared to be a no-win post-respawn matchup, with one healer eliminated in overtime, turned into a great tie.
As soon as the player returned to the payload, the enemy team was eliminated one by one thanks to his Perfectly timed ultimate Ramatra and with the help of those who were still alive.
“In conclusion: make no excuses for living” was written at the end of the clip, along with an image describing the intensity of the tremors in the player’s area.
“He protected the dogs, didn’t even get kicked out of the game and came back in time to win,” praised one user.
“Bridge broke in real life,” one user wrote, referring to Reinhardt’s ultimate.
Meanwhile, another person joked, “Why did I expect the game to start shaking?” »
Overall, many comments are happy that the OP and his dogs are safe, but there are also others who made fun of the enemy tank for after packing the OP, only to lose .