90 Day Groom: Before 90 days star Niles Valentine’s relationship with Matilda ends sooner or later because of all the red flags the Ghanaian woman has shown so far in Season 7. Niles is a 27-year-old man from Mobile, Alabama. Niles always knew he was different. He struggled in school and couldn’t get along with people. Niles was told he had an autism spectrum disorder. Niles told the cameras how painful it can be both emotionally and mentally. In most cases, it affects a person’s ability to grasp social nuances.

Niles revealed how he can be outspoken, which led to him having trouble forming normal relationships. Niles also has heightened senses and needs to be wary of sounds, lights, electricity, etc. Niles shared how she loved her work as a peer advocate because she had also wanted to advocate for people. However, this work alone did not help Niles. He revealed that he delivered the food to save money for his trip. Nile knew he would spend at least $3,000, and also the bride price he had to pay to Matilda’s family.

Matilda takes advantage of Miles’ autism

It’s hard for him to say “no”

Niles has been dating Matilda for two years after meeting her on social media. Matilda had sent a DM to Niles.out of nowhere.” At first he thought it was too good to be true because she was beautiful. Matilda’s smile made Miles feela kind of habit.” Considering what he had been through, Niles didn’t think love was possible for him. However, Niles and Matilda became closer when they started talking every day. Matilda told Niles that she accepted him for who he was when he revealed that he has autism spectrum disorder.

“He makes me feel like I’m someone who deserves a marriage, a family, and happiness.”


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Niles flew to Ghana to meet Matilda for the first time in person. Niles told his co-workers that he was still thinking about bringing Matilda to the United States. He told them that Matilda wanted him to get married on that trip. It made Niles feel overwhelmed and anxious. Niles was the one who proposed to Matilda on the phonebut he started planning the wedding immediately. Niles admitted that he was afraid to tell Matilda to postpone the wedding because she would end things immediately. Niles didn’t want to lose the love of his life.

Matilda sees Miles’ autism as a curse

Will Matilda marry Niles’ money and visa?

Matilda talked about how Niles makes her happy when asked why she fell in love with him. She also revealed that Niles sent her money during the two years they were dating. He talked about how Niles had told him he had autism. He told the cameras that many people in Ghana do not understand autism. “And some people believe it’s a curse,” he added. Niles had told Matilda that he was too sensitive, he didn’t like noise and that he could drown easily. Matilda knew that coming to Ghana was going to be difficult for her.

Matilda just wants to come to the United States

His company Back Home is not doing well

Matilda revealed that she did not have a good job in Ghana. He helped his mother at the market. Matilda sold roasted plantains and peanuts. Recipient MatildaOffinso was a boring place because there were no clubs or big restaurants. Matilda announced that she wanted to move to the United States to start her future there. Matilda explained how difficult it is to make money in Offinso. His father used to be a carpenter, but he died. Matilda revealed that the market was not good for plantains. Sometimes you don’t even get half the money,” he added.

90 Day Groom: Before 90 days airs Sundays at 8pm EDT on TLC.

Source: Matilda/Instagram

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