Marvel fans have reignited the debate on why Vision was able to pick up Thor’s hammer when no one else could.
One of the most interesting characters to come out of Marvel‘s Phase Two is undoubtedly Vision, who was introduced in Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Vision is a combination of Tony Stark’s AI assistant J.A.R.V.I.S, the impenetrable material vibranium, and the Mind Stone, which came together to create a sentient being who worked alongside the Avengers to save the world.
In Age of Ultron, Vision is shown to have the ability to lift Thor’s hammer, which was a running joke earlier in the film as none of the Avengers could manage to lift it. And now fans are once again debating how Vision could be “worthy” enough to pick up the trusted item of a god.
Marvel fans can’t agree if Vision is human or not
The debate on how Vision was worthy enough to pick up Thor’s hammer occurred where most fandom debates start: Reddit.
It all began when a user posed the question, “Could vision hold Mjölnir because he was worthy or because he isn’t a living being similar to how an Elevator could lift it without being worthy?”
Instantly, Marvel fans began flooding the comments with their own theories and ideas on how Vision could be able to lift Thor’s hammer, and it seemed like people were split into two camps.
On one hand, some believe that Vision is worthy because he’s alive like the humans who surround him and he’s pure of heart, which makes him worthy.
However, on the other hand, some believe that Vision’s worthiness stems from the fact that he’s made out of an Infinity and was brought to life using Mjölnir, so the hammer is just reacting to itself.
“This scene was meant to show to the Avengers and the audience that he was a human nonetheless, but also a better human than a majority of the people in the room,” one person wrote.
Another user chimed in on the opposite ending writing, “Could it be because Thor used Mjolnir to activate the Vision? Or possibly because Vision was ultimately created by using an Infinity Stone.”
Unfortunately, fans never received an official answer on why Vision was worthy when no other Avenger was, but it’s always fun to speculate these types of questions with people who are equally as passionate about the MCU and how it works.