Liverpool Hospitality operators MA Pub Group has acquired the Temple of Newington by adding its fourth place in the city center. It is related to Nova Scotia, Tempest Tithebarn and Ma Boyle’s Alehouse & Eat in the group’s growing property.

In recent decades, the Newington Temple has been history that has been a pub for almost 200 years and have made different changes, including the old rope walking distances, Bier and most recently a diving bar. Right next to Bold Street – a flourishing independent hospitality – the place is located together in Liverpool’s most important dining and nightlife district.

The MA Pub Group is investing £ 150,000 to return the centuries-old inn on a traditional wet support pub, which focuses on sketch and barrels and shows the Premier League football. This transfer corresponds to Liverpool’s growing trend in revitalizing historical pubs, and the Temple of Newington is proud to be part of this ascent. The venue will close for three weeks for the renovation and is expected to reopen in mid -March by creating 15 new jobs. Its brand new look and the details of drinks and entertainment will be revealed in the coming weeks.

Iain Hoskins, Director of the MA Pub group, commented: “Started with the first wet support pub 13 years ago, MA Egerton’s stage wool and since then opening food-led hospitality attempts, I feel that I have come into a full circle with the Newington Temple. The pubs have returned in a massive way, and Liverpool leads the Renaissance from all new openings, but also some of the diversity of pub-out styles of them are independently dedicated and controlled. There is a classic pub’s aesthetics that appeals to almost everyone who is both timeless and comfortable and know a lot about what people want now. Newington definitely has the classic Victorian pub feeling, but on the edge, as you could see on some of the current sites, such as MA Boyle and Nova Scot, and like them, its petition is entirely between generations. I am excited that I have a site on a favorite street in the world, and with Newington we offer the perfect accompaniment for incredible restaurants that make Bold Street one of the most unique streets in the UK. Although the trading environment has been difficult with huge constant challenges, I am proud that our current website will continue to grow their sales and their reputation within these fierce times. Newington Temple is a great addition to our portfolio. ”

The three existing venues of the MA Pub group have worked heavily, and a successful start to 2024 to increase optimism to a busy 2025. Each site has a clear identity in Liverpool’s hospitality scene, and the group’s reputation is further strengthened by increasing the Newington Temple, which was set in mid -March.

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