You probably know by now that London is quite keen on having the biggest, best, longest and largest of things. And yet another item to add to the city’s ever-growing list of reasons why it’s so darn brilliant is Walthamstow Market. AKA – the longest outdoor market in the whole of Europe.

This kilometre-long hub of food and commerce stretches the entire length of Walthamstow High Street and has been up and running since 1885. Five days a week, over 500 lively market stalls line the street, each jam-packed with an impressive range of food, clothes, household items, and so much more. It’s the perfect spot to wander around and while away the hours. Just take this small crumb of advice from us – be sure to visit armed with an empty tote bag and an even emptier stomach, as you’ll be making ample use of both.

Walthamstow Market delivers everything you’d want and expect from a traditional cockney market in spades. Lively stalls crammed with unique knick-knacks, vibrant vendors loudly promoting their best deals, the delicious aroma of street food filling the air. You know the drill. It’s a market with community at its heart, with visitors and locals alike paying regular visits to peruse and purchase the huge variety of goods on offer.

Whatever you’re in need of; there’s more than likely a stall selling it at Walthamstow Market. Clothing and cleaning supplies, vintage vinyl and vegetables, fresh flowers, food and fabric. You name it; they’ve (probably) got it. And most-likely at a fraction of the price of your local supermarket, too. It’s pretty re-market-able, in our opinion.

Visitors can expect to see street food stalls serving up delicious grub from every corner of the globe. From Caribbean curried goat to cockney pie and mash; there’s something for everybody to tuck in to and enjoy. Street art also adorns some of the buildings running along the high street, detailing moments in the market’s rich history.

Delightfully diverse goods, rich history, vibrant vendors and – if you manage to walk down the whole thing – definitely your exercise done for the day. What’s not to love?

Walthamstow Market is open Tuesday-Friday (8am-5pm) and Saturday (8am-5.30pm).

📍 116 High Sreet, Walthamstow, E17 7JX.

🚇 Nearest station is Walthamstow Central.

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