London, in any season, is a sight to behold, as far as we’re concerned. But admittedly (much like myself), the capital truly starts to thrive when the temperature begins to rise and the sun attempts to shine. And it seems as though we’re not the only ones who think so.

The long-haul travel experts at Travelbag have been crunching some numbers recently. They’ve been analysing Instagram hashtag data and Google search traffic in a bid to uncover the best and the most beautiful spots to visit in Europe this spring. And – I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this, based on the smug tone in which I am writing – London came out on top, and has been crowned the most picturesque spring destination to visit. Not just in the country; but the whole darn continent.

London earned itself a comfy spot at the top of the list due to the mighty amount of Instagram posts with the hashtag #springinLondon. A whopping 118,000 posts were found under the hashtag, proving that our oh-so photogenic capital city looks just as great on the ‘gram as it does in real life. London was also found to be one of the most searched cities in Europe, with a rather impressive 72% surge in monthly Google searchesand a total of 34,800 annual searches for ‘spring in London’.

Whether it’s the glorious green spaces, the abundance of picture-perfect cherry blossoms, or the fact that you can’t turn a corner in the capital without coming face to face with a beer garden; London in the springtime is certainly doing something right. And – in our humble opinion – it’s not hard to see why it’s now the proud owner of this shiny new accolade.

In case you wanted to know who we were up against, here are the most picturesque spring destinations in Europe:

  1. London
  2. Paris
  3. Berlin
  4. Vienna
  5. Rome
  6. Amsterdam
  7. Milan
  8. Stockholm
  9. Warsaw
  10. Munich
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