Kylie Minogue has been announced as Saturday’s headliner for BST Hyde Park 2024. She joins icons Robbie Williams, Shania Twain and Andrea Bocelli at the London festival which takes place in July.

She will be performing on Saturday 13 July and fans can expect to hear hits from across her long career, from Spinning Around to her latest number one, Padam Padam. The Aussie singer posted on X to say: “London Lovers … are you ready to PADAM with me this summer at @BSTHydePark?!

“Sign up for my mailing list to access the artist pre-sale at 10am on February 19th. General sale will be at 10am on February 21st. Can’t wait to see you on July 13th!!”

She joins Shania Twain, who will perform at the festival on Sunday 7 July for her BST debut, as well as Robbie Williams the night before, Andrea Boccelli on Friday 5 July and Stray Kids the following weekend on 14 July.

Advance tickets will be released on Monday, February 19 at 10 a.m., while the general sale opens at 10 a.m. Wednesday, February 21. You can register for the pre-sale here.

As a result, tickets for the festival shows are expected to sell out extremely quickly. You can get them from Ticketmaster or AXS.

BST Festival is located in Hyde Park, London W2 2UH. You will find more information about the event here.

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