is excited to have Kimmy Littlejohn-Clark as our featured author for our upcoming The Festival of Storytellers: Chapter 6!

Now, let’s get into the meat and bone of things and properly introduce Kimmy Littlejohn-Clark and her book Nobody Goes To Heaven Kicking and Screaming.

Who Is Kimmy Littlejohn-Clark?

Illinois is where Kimmy Littlejohn-Clark was born and raised. She made the decision to relocate, and she finally settled in Florida. She traveled on numerous dead-end roads.

Her parents’ prayers helped her remember what she had been taught. With a contrite heart, she ran to Jesus and embarked on a life-long journey with him.

That was when her story as an author began. Through Jesus, Kimmy was able to experience many things—both happiness and sorrow—and she’s now using those experiences to deliver a wonderful message: always choose God in any situation.

Everyone here at can’t wait for Kimmy to share and talk more about her life and journey in our virtual book fair that you should not miss.

What Is Her Book, Nobody Goes To Heaven Kicking and Screaming, About?

There are just two options available. The devil or God? Our physical world claims that everyone goes to paradise, but that is untrue.

There is no fear in the lovely region known as heaven. Nobody will approach Jesus if they don’t have a willing heart, mind, and soul.

is happy to be graced by the presence of Nobody Goes To Heaven Kicking and Screaming because it really is such an amazing book. Here’s an excerpt from her book:

“I’m sure you’re wondering what made me think of a title like this. Well, since I’ve been in relationship with the Lord I’m always imagining how I’ll enter heaven. I have alo witnessed people transition smoothly. I’m referring to Saints. Revelation 14:13 (NLT)…

Photo by Sasha Freemind

Does Kimmy Littlejohn-Clark Have Other Works?

Yes, Kimmy does indeed have other works. She has another book titled 43 Days Born to Live. This book is more emotional and personal because it talks about Kimmy’s beautiful baby boy who only had 43 days to live after being born with Trisomy 18.

If you want to know more about this book, you could start researching it now and prepare some questions for Kimmy during our TFOS Chapter 6. But when asking your questions, we suggest being mindful of your words and queries. This is probably a sensitive topic for Kimmy, so if she chooses to entertain questions about this particular book, it’s best to have a genuinely caring approach.

As 1 Thessalonians 13–18 states, although she has experienced sadness in her life, it is consoling to know that she will be reunited with him. Her wish is that more angel parents would discover the truth about Jesus and accept his atoning love.

What Do Other People Think About Nobody Goes to Heaven Kicking and Screaming?

By doing a simple Google search on your browser and checking out Amazon, you’ll find that a lot of people have good things to say about it. Here is one of the reviews found in there:

• “This was a good read. It’s not a long book. It gets to the point and has plenty of scriptures to support the point the author is making.

You’re going to have to read the rest of the book because the message in it is so good, we wouldn’t want to spoil anything. It’s one of the top Christian books that everyone should read.

Photo by Nandhu Kumar

Look Forward to Kimmy Littlejohn-Clark’s Appearance in The Festival of Storytellers Chapter 6

Be sure to register for the event, too. Visit ’s book events section, click on “View More” under The Festival of Storytellers box, and then type in your details in the pop-up box.

We’ll be seeing everyone pretty soon, so do look forward to ’s The Festival of Storytellers Chapter 6!

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