When I was asked to review the new Shark CryoGlow Mask before it launched, I didn’t hesitate. I’d already heard whispers from other beauty journalists that this was one of the best LED face masks they’d tried, if not the best.

It has genuinely disrupted an increasingly crowded market of athome beauty devices, and it feels like it’s launched at exactly the right time, as more of us forgo professional treatments in favour of tech we can use from our sofa, from the best IPL devices to the best neck toning devices.

So, what’s so exciting about the Shark launch? Well, it’s the first LED light therapy mask to also combine undereye cooling tech for a soothing athome spa experience. Then there’s the price. Just under £300 may seem like a lot but in the LED market, it’s pretty competitive. Plus, having tested many of Shark’s home and beauty tools in the Good Housekeeping Institute lab, we know the brand is expert at combining affordability with performance and convenience.

Did it deliver? We donned our sinister glowing masks to find out (and scare visitors).

Shark CryoGlow Mask

How do LED face masks work?

LED face masks have been shown to treat a wide variety of skin concerns, including acne, fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots, rosacea and more.

“LED face masks (LED stands for ‘light emitting diode’) promote biochemical reactions within skin cells by using a range of light sources,” Maria Kumar, the Good Housekeeping Institute’s head of beauty testing explains. “Red light is used to penetrate deep into the skin, and the technology has been found to successfully induce collagen synthesis, as well as help regenerate the skin by promoting the development of new blood cells.

“The Shark mask uses both red and blue light therapy. Blue light doesn’t penetrate the skin as deeply but works to reduce inflammation and kill breakoutcausing bacteria, so this mode is perfect for those who have congested skin or suffer with breakouts on a regular basis. Both light modes are low energy and are safe enough to use without a professional on hand, hence why more and more athome devices are harnessing the tech – you don’t need an expert to administer them.”

shark cryoglow mask review

Florence settling in for a CryoGlow session

The Shark CryoGlow Mask at a glance

  • Recommended treatment time: 58 minutes every day
  • Four modes: better ageing to tackle fine lines and wrinkles and increase firmness; blemish repair for smoother skin and reduced breakouts; undereye revive to depuff tired eyes in minutes; and skin sustain to boost brightness and maintain results.
  • 3hour charge time
  • Comes with: charger, remote control, detachable and replaceable undereye cooling pads

Shark CryoGlow Mask


  • The device is bulky (despite being lightweight), so is tricky to take on trips away
  • Relatively expensive, although other LED masks can cost up to £2,000

How we tested

I’ve been using the mask for two months now following the recommended eightminute treatment time every day, while Maria, our head of beauty testing, has been using hers for four weeks. We considered ease of setup and use, how comfortable it was to wear, the brightness of the LED lights, the length of the treatment and, of course, whether we noticed any improvements to our skin.

Although Maria is only midway through her trial, she also used our VISIA machine in the Good Housekeeping Institute lab to assess performance at the halfway point. The specialist skin scanner is used to measure any improvements in skin texture and any reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles (and *spoiler alert* after four weeks, she already has less wrinkles – read her full review below).

Our honest verdict on the Shark CryoGlow Mask

Florence, congested skin, 29 years old

Before: congested chin, texture and fine lines on forehead

After: no breakouts for weeks, smoother overall texture

First impressions

“I’ve tried so many LED face masks, but this is the first I’ve actually been excited to use because it’s so convenient. Although it looks a bit bulky when you first get it out of the box, it’s super lightweight and sits comfortably on the face. I like that if I charge the remote, the mask doesn’t have to be plugged in while I use it.

“I’ll often sit and read in bed with it on at night, or I’ll wear it when I first wake up in the morning and listen to the radio to get me hyped for the day.”

How does it compare to others?

“For me, a good beauty device is one I’ll actually pick up and use consistently, because, as we all know, that’s the only way you’ll actually see results. I’ve tried so many gadgets with big claims that I can’t seem to stick to using – I just get a bit bored or it’s too much of a faff, so it never becomes a habit.

“What this offers over other LED face masks are those metal cooling pads for soothing tired eyes. I keep cryo tools in my fridge door, which I use every morning to depuff – it feels so refreshing and instantly makes me look more awake (so much so that I often catch my housemates in the act of holding them over their eyes while they wait for their tea to brew). This mask means I can cut that step out of my routine and treat my skin to some red and blue light therapy simultaneously.

“Plus, I don’t have to worry that other people’s grubby hands will be all over the tool I’m putting on my face each morning – I keep my mask well away from the communal fridge, so they’ve had to resort to teaspoons!”

Does it cater to your skin needs?

“Yes! I’m desperate for something that will work on my uneven skin texture, so I’m using the ‘blemish repair’ mode at the moment. But, as I move into my 30s, I’ll definitely be switching to the ‘better ageing’ mode to target any fine lines. And there’s also a ‘skin sustain’ mode for when you’re happy with your skin health but want to top up and maintain your results.”

The bottom line

“After trying dozens of these devices, I can’t see myself using any other LED face mask in future. As it’s wireless, the Shark CryoGlow Mask is super convenient, and you don’t need to connect to a separate app to use it; it also keeps you motivated by storing your data so you can track your progress, and it’s comfy to wear thanks to the lightweight, adjustable design – plus those undereye cooling pads are just divine. It ticks every single beauty box, winning extra brownie points because it’s finally made me stick to a habit that makes me feel good. There’s a first time for everything!” Florence ReevesWhite, GHI senior beauty writer

Maria, sensitive skin, 36 years old

Maria’s skin analysis before the trial

First impressions

“It’s comfortable, straightforward to use and the undereye cooling pads give this device that extra ‘spa facial’ quality that the competition doesn’t bring.”

How does it compare to other masks on the market?

“When testing LED face masks in the lab, we often notice that the ones that score highly for ease of use and design are also the ones that seem to perform well overall. This makes sense, as infrared technology needs to be used consistently to yield results.

“This mask’s green flag is that it keeps you coming back thanks to those undereye pads and their instant chilling effects. The addition of those cooling and depuffing benefits alongside the LED light therapy, makes this a truly multitasking device. What more can a busy woman ask for?”

Does it cater to your skin needs?

“Totally. I’m a tired, working mum of two who’s inching towards 40. My skin is dull and in need of some TLC. So, naturally, I was eager to see what this mask could do for me. After four weeks of regular use, I noticed that my skin felt firmer, smoother and brighter. Not to mention, being depuffed and prepped for my skincare routine after each use.”  

The bottom line

“I’ve tested so many LED masks and this is the only one I’ve ever looked forward to using each day. It’s ideal for me as a busy mum of two young children who’s definitely in need of a device that helps her fake it ‘til she makes it where beauty sleep is concerned!”

The lab test

Maria’s wrinkle reduction after just four weeks

“My lab results backed up my first impressions, as my wrinkle feature count went down from 209 to 144, with the VISIA picking up 65 fewer lines after just four weeks of using the mask. There were no measured improvements in texture or brown spots, unfortunately, but as I’ve typically been using the ‘better ageing’ mode rather than the ‘blemish repair’ setting, that makes sense. I can’t wait to see what another four weeks of use will look like for me, but just based on these initial results, it’s already a winner in my eyes.” Maria Kumar, beauty and grooming testing manager

Shop the Shark CryoGlow Mask at Shark, Amazon and Argos

Florence is our Senior Beauty Writer, specialising in experttested beauty and grooming reviews — from toothbrushes to the latest skincare launches. She’s committed to sharing recommendations for products that truly work and make people feel confident and healthy. Prior to this she was at Tropic Skincare, where she worked closely with biochemists in the lab, delving into the functions of each fresh, natural ingredient and conveying its efficacy to her audience in easytodigest terms. 

With over five years’ experience in beauty and health journalism, Florence has written for ELLE, Women’s Fitness, Sister Magazine, National Geographic Traveller and many more, with a strong sustainability angle thread through much of her work.

When she isn’t packing for a trip away, working out, eating out or reading up on retinol serums, you’ll probably find her experimenting with her film camera and building her portfolio of portraits. Florence’s photography can be found at florencereeveswhite.com, her Instagram is @florencereeveswhite and her twitter is @floreadsnwrites

Tested byMaria Kumar

Beauty and Grooming Testing Manager

Maria is our Beauty and Grooming Testing Manager, and since joining in mid2022, she has managed the testing for mutiple categories including scalp scrubs, collagen supplements and retinol serums. In addition to her master’s degree in chemical engineering and a diploma in cosmetic science, she recently received her MBA from the London College of Fashion, focusing on case studies within the beauty industry. Prior to joining the company, she worked within the global technical team at the Estee Lauder Companies for over six years, collaborating with the chemists and engineers to launch luxury beauty products at scale and to quality. She has also worked as a formulation scientist within the pharmaceutical industry and takes this evidence based approach into all her product testing. 

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