Married at first sight season 18’s Michelle Tomblin has been given a villain makeover throughout the season, but I’m not convinced he’s a villain MAFS fans think he is, and I’m pretty sure he failed. all the time Married at first sight season 18, Michelle’s behavior is scrutinized MAFS viewers because her marriage to David Trimble has been struggling. While many have struggled with how Michelle has treated David over the course of the season, it’s notable that most of her time on screen has been focused on their relationship, despite the negativity surrounding her.
While Michelle may not be having the easiest time in her marriage, she is devoted to the idea of her relationship with David and has spent a fair amount of time trying to figure out if she can resolve the issues she has with him. Although Michelle and David are hardly the only ones Married at first sight the season 18 couple has issues, their issues have unnecessarily cast Michelle as the villain of the season. Although Michelle may not always be the friendliest in her delivery, he is not as mean as MAFS viewers believe.
MAFS Season 18 Michelle has been hard to watch
She struggles to connect with David
Sometimes Michelle’s acting has been understandable, because her relationship with David has been tough all season. Michelle hoped to find someone who shared her values and understood what she was looking for in a partner. Although she wasn’t interested in someone like David, she wanted someone who was independent and also understood her need for independence. After watching Michelle all season, I understand what she wanted MAFS, and the actions seen on screen make it clear that his match did not provide that bond.
MAFS viewers have made Michelle the show’s biggest villain
He comes off like the Worst Squad
all the time Married at first sight season 18, Michelle’s behavior towards David has made him look more like a villain than a victim. During her wedding to David, Michelle had a meltdown of epic proportions when she found out about it Married at first sight the groom lived at home with his parents. Despite knowing that David probably had a reason for his life situation, Michelle couldn’t contain her reaction when she found out that she had been found with someone she thought was dependent on others. Although Michelle began to hear from David, her situation was still difficult.
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After the wedding, Michelle and David continued to move Married at first sight process, even though it looked like their match didn’t go together. As she learned more about David and learned more about his life outside of the show, Michelle kept feeling like she wasn’t seeing the whole picture and getting to know the real David. When David is mysterious, Michelle didn’t know how to proceed. While Michelle’s constant picking wasn’t necessarily what viewers expected or wanted to see, her difficult attitude started to make sense when it became clear that she was struggling.
Michelle is flawed, but her behavior makes sense
He feels like he’s been lied to
Although Michelle has been having trouble with David Married at first sight season 18, it’s been clear to viewers throughout the season that he’s been struggling because of the match. While Michelle’s behavior hasn’t necessarily been something I’d describe as aspirational, it makes a little more sense when you look at it in context. After applying to a show that seemed to promise to match her with someone from an expert perspective, Michelle found herself in a marriage that didn’t live up to her expectations. Michelle has been trying to accept David from the beginning.
David is not only what he expected, but his actions have been difficult throughout the season. David has not given Michelle an easy time. While he may come off as a more laid back guy with no worries or concerns, he has been secretive, lied to Michelle more than once and has not shown much concern for the things she has been bringing up about him all along. their time on the show. David’s lean attitude mixed with Michelle’s intensity has made him seem like he’s the toughest, even if David was wrong.
MAFS set up Michelle to take the fall as the villain
They put her in a relationship that wouldn’t work
Although it may not have been intentional, Michelle and David clashed Married at first sight was the show that set him up for failure. All season, Michelle and David have been at odds, so she seems to be trying harder to get a job, though David has been credited with being more relaxed about their differences. Michelle hasn’t had it easy all along, but her behavior is understandable if she’s treated less like a villain and more like a woman disappointed in the match. Michelle shouldn’t take it Married at first sight the role of a villain.
Married at first sight airs Tuesdays at 8pm EST on Lifetime.
Source: Married at first sight/Instagram