The Golden Bachelor season 1 marriage ended in a disastrous divorce, but I’m convinced that Gerry Turner is still in love with Theresa Nist. From the moment the couple announced their divorce in April, after just three months of marriage, viewers took to Theresa immediately, but it’s possible she was a heartthrob all along. The divorce damaged Gerry, 73,’s reputation, while Theresa, 71, seems to have moved on without much amusement.

Although Gerry has taken responsibility, Theresa was just as responsible for the failed marriage as he was. The couple met in due course The Golden Bachelor season 1, and they tied the knot in front of an eager television audience. Couple came to symbolize the exciting possibility of second chances and finding love later in lifeso the divorce broke many hearts. Although fans blamed Gerry for crushing their dreams, it’s possible that the real heartbreaker was Theresa all along.

Theresa Posts all the time

Since announcing their split, Gerry and Theresa have had very different approaches to social media. Gerry has been trying to keep his head down and rarely posts, while Theresa has been very active on social media. In addition to spending time with family in June Theresa posted Instagram photos of her visit to Minnesota to spend time with Gerry’s second-in-command The Golden Bachelor season 1, 65-year-old Leslie Fhima. Whether that was his intention or not, I think Theresa used her trip to rub her happiness in Gerry’s face.

“I made my way to Minnesota to visit my dear friend, the lovely Leslie!”

Theresa seems happier

Although Gerry looks sadder

Gerry Turner/Instagram

While Theresa appears to be thriving after settling her divorce, Gerry has struggled with the unfair criticism he has received. Although Theresa made it clear that she wasn’t mad at Gerry, he had been the target of a lot of online hate. To make matters worse, Gerry recently buried his beloved dog. Recently, Gerry posted about Cody’s passing on Instagram and wrote:Here is the dog that got me through the hardest years a human can endure.“I think losing his dog made Gerry think more about Theresa and maybe he wished he wasn’t alone.

“RIP Cody.”

Is there a chance for Gerry and Theresa to get back together?

It’s 100% over

Gerry and Theresa had only been married for three months, which was not enough time for them to know if the marriage would work. The Golden Bachelor the season 1 couple never lived in the same state, so they don’t even get a chance to see what married life would be like. Gerry was married to Toni Turner for 43 years until her death in 2017 Theresa was married to William Nist for 42 years until he died in 2014. Since they both are able to have a successful marriage, I think they should have given their marriage a better life.

The Golden Bachelor

season 1 is available to stream on Hulu.

Source: Theresa Nist/Instagram, Gerry Turner/Instagram

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